
About this Project:
We are a group of youth producers from the Educational Video Center's New Media Arts Program. We've come together to create a remix documentary and a website about racism because it has been an ongoing issue for so long with little improvement. Also, in the context of the pandemic a lot of us only had social media as our primary social outlet and we noticed that racism has had a big impact on consumers of social media. Unfortunately a lot of us can personally relate to this topic because we have faced various forms of racism in our life.
The video that we submitted to Emoticon is a trailer for a longer remix documentary we are creating called #TheCyberMadness. For our project we have created personal video diaries, conducted community interviews, an interview with youth activists and we will be doing an interview with Dr. Frank Pezella of John Jay College. We were assigned different roles within teams in the production of the remix documentary and website. All of the work we produced was done collaboratively. We want to use our collective voice to raise awareness about this social injustice through the media project we created.
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