“Self Care Stimulator”

About this Project:
The topic we chose to make a game about is Resilience Through Games. This topic focuses on the importance of mental health, especially because of this pandemic. To achieve our goal of educating people on how to increase their happiness, we did lots of research to produce our game. If people play and enjoy their game, not only will they be happy but the people they share the game with will also enjoy that happiness.
Self Care Simulator shows ways to help your mental health, especially during the pandemic. People that play this game can see different activities that can increase their happiness. This theme is important because many of us are going through hard times this pandemic and finding ways to cheer ourselves up can make a big difference. To play our game, you need to select your character and click on the tasks that will improve your happiness. When you increase your happiness, you have to fight a final boss for 15 seconds to win. Self Care Simulator provides links and resources to better understand how much your mental health is important during these times.
In conclusion, we think our game can help young teenagers like us to understand that mental health and self-care are extremely important, especially during these times. Not a lot of people treat themselves when they’re feeling down, particularly when there is so much stigma surrounding mental illnesses. For some, it is hard to comprehend the number of young people struggling secretly. Our game can reach out to them, since it was created by young teenagers that get what others are feeling.
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Feedback from the Judges:
I'd love to see more character choices, maybe some more diverse human characters, and more animals while you're at it (why not?!). And in future iterations, maybe you can add even more activities that combat depression; they might serve as suggestions for players who are looking for strategies to use in their own lives. Thank you for providing helpful links as resources for folks playing the game. I loved your design choices, too. Using bright colors and clean design is like a breath of fresh air, which feels just right for this topic.