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β€œQuick Help”

Creators: Gabriel and Victor
Middle School Students from Mouse & DIIT Design League @ Vista Academy
Screen Shot 2021 05 19 at 1 00 28 PM

About this Project:

Our app addresses the need of food and clothes around different communities during the pandemic and on a regular basis.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

πŸ‘ Senior Product Manager at Range — Emoti-Con Judge
This is a really helpful idea that can do some good. It may be helpful to also ask other people who focus on helping those in need how they approach this and how your approach is unique and makes a difference. I love where your thinking is to help people who need it the most, no matter what they need.

πŸ‘ CEO at Teknikio — Emoti-Con Judge
This is an excellent idea and tools like Slack have helped communities work together on these types of efforts. I hope you are able to get in touch with mutual aid groups and test this idea. Great job!

πŸ‘ Curriculum Manager at AI4ALL — Emoti-Con Judge
I love that you did research to figure out what people lacked before designing an app for a need that wasn't there. It's also very important that you took feedback from people and added features they wanted and needed. Getting information from users is incredibly important in app design!

πŸ‘ Program Manager at Code Nation — Emoti-Con Judge
This is a wonderful idea for an app! I think this has the potential to include so many different things! I can imagine this connecting people to food services, shelters, government aid, and so much more! I would love to see this project grow into a real world app! Great job!

Feedback from the Community:

Marliza πŸ‘ a Middle School Student
This is a great idea that could help lots of people.
Eliani πŸ‘ a Middle School Student from NYC
Ever since the start of this pandemic, the homeless where getting even more hungry, or just a safe way to travel and get their needs. I like it. Good job!
Daniel πŸ‘ a Middle School Student
This is a great concept and it needs a good execution
Victor πŸ‘ a Middle School Student
I definitely like this one since I made it. Hope it helps.
Giselle πŸ‘ a Middle School Student from Vista Academy
This will be very helpful and I like that it is specifically for the pandemic. A lot of people are going through rough times because of it. I really love the app that was designed. Good job, the two of you!
Davian πŸ‘ a Middle School Student
This is a nice and quick way to help others in need
Ms. Wu πŸ‘ a Teacher and/or Educator
Nice job scholars!