Creators: Diarra S.
a Middle School Student from Mouse & DIIT Design League @ MS 301

About this Project:
The app, PRO-FITNESS, is the only app that helps track your progress in order to show the best results to our users. We focus on finding ways to improve not only our users body’s, but their minds as well.
PRO-FITNESS focuses on doing what is best for the human body, not just what looks best on the human body. PRO-FITNESS strives only to help feel out best and not just look our best!
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Community Feedback:
Great Design
Makes Me Think
Feedback from the Judges:
Love how you're thinking about creating something that would benefit the students in your classes! You put a lot of thought into the design and layout of the application and it shows! I would like to see more about how this app addresses and benefits those with mental illness. Great work!
Hi, Diarra! Thank you for sharing such a great project with the Mouse community. I love the colors you've chosen and the overall design—I can tell you've put so much thought into this! How are you sourcing recipes and workouts? I feel like this would be so fun to build a community around, whether that's getting personal trainers and nutritionists involved who live and work in your community, or even crowd-sourcing meals and workout routines. This app has so much potential, and I'm really excited by what you'll create next!
Amazing work! I need this app as soon as possible! Take my money!!!
I think you did such a wonderful job of displaying your vision in the slides as well as the lovely explanation video you created for this project! The apps vision is deep and well planned! There were certain portions of the video that was hard to hear and some information was a bit hard to see in the slides. However, I could truly see myself using a product like this!
I was most impressed by how thorough the project was. It really took into account a very straightforward and holistic approach to becoming fully healthier and adopting better habits. Such great work!
I think you did such a wonderful job of displaying your vision in the slides as well as the lovely explanation video you created for this project! The apps vision is deep and well planned! There were certain portions of the video that was hard to hear and some information was a bit hard to see in the slides. However, I could truly see myself using a product like this!
I was most impressed by how thorough the project was. It really took into account a very straightforward and holistic approach to becoming fully healthier and adopting better habits. Such great work!
Feedback from the Community:
Joel 👏 a Middle School Student
I think this is a great design because it modavates people to get their bodies heathy
Eileen 👏 a Technology Professional from Brooklyn North Borough Office
While there are many fitness apps already out there, you have really taken it to the next level by including mental health and the water bottle tracker! It is clear you were very thorough in your work during each step of this process and your final product is high quality!