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“MC Studios”

Creators: Matthew
a Middle School Student from JHS 189Q Tech Club
MC Studios profile

About this Project:

I just post short animations that show relatable events that have happened to me over my life.

My idea has evolved by changing a bit from storytelling to short skits depicting hilarious plots with characters such as inanimate objects turned to life going on crazy adventures.
The purpose of this channel is to entertain viewers as well as letting viewers experience a moment in my life firsthand by watching an animation.

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More About this Project

The first link is to my YouTube channel where you could view my content. The second and third links are for the websites I have worked on over the past few months. (Second link: Wix site; Third link: Google Sites)

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Senior Analyst, Digital Consumer Insights at Nickelodeon — Emoti-Con Judge
I know how time consuming and tedious animation can be so I am super impressed by all the work that went into this. These are early day animations and I would love to see him continue to push himself to learn more advanced techniques. His stories are relatable and humorous. He is on his way in the animation world. Animation is hard and time consuming and he is doing a wonderful job making cute and funny cartoons.

👏 Vectors and Illustrations Specialist at Adobe Stock — Emoti-Con Judge
The animation was well stylized and the editing was impressive - great job bringing life and personality to this project!

👏 Media Solutions Architect at The Walt Disney Company — Emoti-Con Judge
What I enjoyed most about this project was the view inside your brainstorming process. At NYU, I took a class called Writing for Animation. The intent of that class was to get us to write without real-world boundaries; in other words, if your script could be shot practically with real cameras, real people, real objects.. then why choose to animate it? And in choosing to animate it, what possibilities does that now open up to you as a storyteller? The heckler joke at the end of the Christmas Skit was funny, and it was strong. But could it be made stronger through animation storytelling? Could the heckler be a character in that painting on the stage behind the singer? Could it be another version of the singer? Could it be an audience of a thousand versions of the singer? There are few things more daunting than a blank page and scripted storytelling universally begins with the same method as you outlined in your slides; an idea. Great job! Keep writing!

Feedback from the Community:

Ms. M 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from Flushing, Queens
👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from Brooklyn, NY
You're pretty funny. Good sense of humor. Keep it up!
Gisele 👏 a High School Student from Bronx
You are sooo funny and a really great artist and ainimator too.