“Let's Talk With The Hands”

About this Project:
American Sign Language is a natural language that serves as the predominant sign language of Deaf communities in the United States and most of Anglophone Canada. In the United States, ASL is claimed to be the third most used language. ASL is a complete and organized visual language that is expressed by facial expression as well as movements and motions with the hands.
Learning American Sign Language will allow you to be able to thoroughly communicate with the deaf and allow the collapse of the language barrier that divides the hearing and deaf world. Today, around one million people use American Sign Language (ASL) as their main way to communicate, according to Communication Service for the Deaf. Used by the deaf and hard-of-hearing communities, as well as those with communication disorders, in recent years it has received more resources and attention both online and in popular culture.
My plan:
● Create a program for all students to learn American sign language.
● Students that take these classes will be able to help more people around them.
● This language can be used in emergency situations.
● This program also can be counted as an extra credit/extracurricular activity.
● The American sign language can be added to “Language classes”.
● Make this language a skill that everyone can have.
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Feedback from the Judges:
This is such a fantastic idea! Thank you for sharing your project with us. I love how you're thinking about education and incorporating ASL for all grade levels to create a more accessible, empathetic, and safe environment for people who rely on the language to communicate. I'd love to see a more in-depth lesson plan to understand how the curriculum would change for each grade level. Would it be similar to how we teach Spanish or French, or would it look a little different? I could also see incorporating ASL into other subject areas as well to take a holistic approach. I'm excited to see the next iteration of this project and what you'll create next!