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“Improve Our World”

Creators: Mohamed
a High School Student from Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Education High School

About this Project:

I wanted to make a pick the right decision game and I wanted it to involve our earth and environment. So I decided to make it a green theme and make it about a person going through their day.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 CEO at Teknikio — Emoti-Con Judge
What a wonderful project to teach people about small things they can to help save our planet. Not only does this game highlight very simple things we can do in our daily lives, it also suggests scenarios in which we can talk to others in our community to help keep the planet clean. I hope this game is shared with many people, great work!

👏 Front Developer/Software Engineer at Oakman Aerospace (A Redwire company) — Emoti-Con Judge
This educational game has a lot of opportunity to interact with the user, while educating them on the important subject of protecting the environment. I like the use of real-world, relatable scenarios in the questions, although one question wrong and it's game over! You might consider refining the logic here to a point scoring system, that way you can show the highest point earners to help showcase their potential environmental impact.

👏 Program Manager at Code Nation — Emoti-Con Judge
I loved this game! Your slides were also very informative! I really enjoyed how the game placed us into everyday situations! The choices made me question how often I buy a water bottle rather than using a reusable one when I am traveling! Great job on this very thought provoking game!

Feedback from the Community:

Ian 👏 a High School Student
This is cool and shows our everyday environment.
Raima 👏 a High School Student
This game was very interesting and served a good message.
Delecia 👏 a High School Student
I really liked fun this game was to play. It was very detailed.
Ariel 👏 a High School Student
This was a nice fun game with great graphics, that would work well to encourage the youth to care more about their environnent.
Yun 👏 a High School Student
I really liked your game and the concept of it.
Kristal 👏 a High School Student from Thomas. A Edison High School
This game has a good message and concept. I enjoyed the images used and how you hope to inform the younger generations. The game was fun to play, nice work.
Samiya 👏 a High School Student from Thomas A. Edison Career and Technical Education High School
I like how interactive your game was. The visuals and information were great too.