“Food For You!!!!”

About this Project:
My project is here to help the homeless people find food. New York City has more than 8.3 million people, nearly one in every 106 New Yorkers are homeless. I came up with this idea because I wanted to help the homeless community. My thought process while making this application was why do I want to make this app, well I'm making it because I want to help the homeless community. I’m going to change the world with this application
My project would help the homeless find food, not just any kind of food but healthier food options. Some of the food options are as follows: vegetables, dairy, fruits, protein, and grains. The thought is that most homeless people do not have access to technology so this application will be available for use at any location with Wi-Fi connectivity. No username or enrolling process will be necessary as I want to make getting food an easy / stress free process.
Once a person chooses his or her food of choice and adds everything into the cart then, a location would be provided for them to receive their food. "Food For You" would be afflicted with local grocery stores, restaurants and food pantries to ensure that food is always available for pick up to those in end.
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