“Feed Poverty End Poverty App”
Creators: Jannath, Faria, Anosh, Arnov, Maryam, and Jayden
Middle School Students from Mouse & DIIT Design League @ MS 358Q

About this Project:
Our project is about helping people in poverty by giving them free food. First we tried to to think of a good website so we choose poverty because it is a huge problem. Next we did the logo, our logo was the color blue so we decided to go with a blue theme. How our app works is anyone in need of food can sign up and pick what type of food they would like then they would pick the time, day, and on a map they would pick the location of where they live.
A challenge our project addresses are that we had to think of ideas for each part of our app and what we had to put in the different parts.
Our design processes was mostly based on our logo because since our logo was blue we made the color scheme of our app blue. We came up with this idea because we had to have a color scheme but we first decided on a logo then we just decided to use the color blue as our color scheme since the logo is blue.
Our project will work by helping people in poverty or people who are not able to eat who need food, so they choose what kind of food they want and they make their order and we deliver the food to them right away.
A challenge our project addresses are that we had to think of ideas for each part of our app and what we had to put in the different parts.
Our design processes was mostly based on our logo because since our logo was blue we made the color scheme of our app blue. We came up with this idea because we had to have a color scheme but we first decided on a logo then we just decided to use the color blue as our color scheme since the logo is blue.
Our project will work by helping people in poverty or people who are not able to eat who need food, so they choose what kind of food they want and they make their order and we deliver the food to them right away.
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Community Feedback:
Great Design
Makes Me Think
Feedback from the Judges:
This is the beginning of a really useful app! This would totally change the face of hunger. I would have liked to see more on how the app would work; How do the providers enter the food they have available? What is the users experience? How does the app handle large demand vs. supply?
Overall the team should consider producing this app as it is very needed throughout the world!
Overall the team should consider producing this app as it is very needed throughout the world!
Thank you for thinking about the food insecure people in our community. I really appreciated the fact that you respected the many different preferences and dietary needs of your users. The job help screens at the end were a great addition. It wasn't clear to me where the food will be coming from, or how it will be delivered. That information will strengthen your app. You've identified a very important social concern and have the beginnings of a solution that is caring and respectful. Well done!
The design for your app is excellent! The visuals you have provided are so pleasing to the eye that it just makes me want to see more. This was definitely a great use of visuals because you are able to keep the viewers eye when using an app that is extremely helpful to the community. An app like this is a much needed resource in the world. I love how you not only allowed the user to access food but you included job offers as well, this was such a unique but brilliant addition. Some things to think about are: where the resources are coming from? How are impoverished people without access to an electronic device able to take part in this service? But overall, good job.
Feedback from the Community:
Rifat 👏 a Middle School Student from Ms358q
The clolor scheme for this project is very nice!
👏 a Middle School Student
I liked how you gave an option in your app for a different language because many people using this app may not understand English and I feel like that's very helpful to put an option of a different language there so if the people using this app don't understand English they can put down the language they understand and that would make it so much easier for people to communicate with you
👏 a Middle School Student
A feedback that I would like to says to your group is I really like the design of the app.I also like how you just picked two colors and used it for every platform and I also like how you didn’t change the colors that much.I can also see that your group put a lot of effort in the app.Great job.
Zara 👏 a Middle School Student from ms358
I love the color scheme and I love the idea of this team!
👏 a Middle School Student
Some feedback I would like to share with your group is I really like the design of your app.I also like how you just choice two colors in every platform and I also like how you didn’t use other colors beside what you chose.And I can see that your group put a lot of effort into this.Great job.
Katherine 👏 a Middle School Student from United States
i love the colors
👏 a Middle School Student
Hey! I really liked your app, it really helps a lot of people. The fact you added vegan food and gluten etc. is so smart because you thought of how different people eat. The color scheme really shows off here haha! It’s wonderful! But I would like if there were not a ‘type a different language here’ because I thought that if you clicked ‘different language’ it would just show up different languages and you would just have to scroll up and up to find you language. It’s still so wonderful though! I love it. Another thing is.. the ‘looking for a job’ page because a lot of people are looking fir a job or don’t have a job due to this virus right now, very smart. Probably my favorite part (:
👏 a Middle School Student from ny
Hey! I really liked your app, it really helps a lot of people. The fact you added vegan food and gluten etc. is so smart because you thought of how different people eat. The color scheme really shows off here haha! It’s wonderful! But I would like if there were not a ‘type a different language here’ because I thought that if you clicked ‘different language’ it would just show up different languages and you would just have to scroll up and up to find you language. It’s still so wonderful though! I love it. Another thing is.. the ‘looking for a job’ page because a lot of people are looking fir a job or don’t have a job due to this virus right now, very smart. Probably my favorite part (: