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“Dyno Learning”

Creators: Wendy, Rose, Felipe & Elizabeth
4 Middle School Students from Mouse & DIIT Design League @ IS 145Q
Screen Shot 2021 05 18 at 9 20 32 AM

About this Project:

Dyno Learning is an all in one education app. This app was made to aim for kids and students with disabilities to further have more of a better way to access other apps as well as their teachers too!

We interviewed multiple stakeholders (administration, teachers, students, parents and alumni) asking them all sorts of questions about their jobs, their connection with the school and just about their lives in general. We noted their answers to our questions and brainstormed what an all in one app would look like and how it could change the course of a school’s stakeholders life. We then came together as a group and combined all our ideas into one super app called Dyno Learning. We knew we wanted to create an app that connected the school with its community a lot easier especially after being quarantined because of the pandemic. We wanted to make sure that the line of communication for all was open and easily accessible.

If we were given the opportunity to build our app then it would be able to do wonders for students with learning disabilities. Students from their school would have the convenience of communicating with their teachers and peers. School staff can collaborate with their colleagues. Students will have a range of built-in services that will help them in their day to day school life.

Project Media


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Screen Shot 2021 05 18 at 9 21 12 AM



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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 MFA Design and Technology Student at Parsons School of Design — Emoti-Con Judge
Great efforts in designing a portal that an entire school community can use! It’s clear that you have given a lot of thought and research into the functions of such an app. As someone who has lived with myopia for a large portion of my life, I found the large icons and the ability to change the size of the text to be very useful. The inbuilt messenger is great! As a teacher I appreciate an official channel for communication with my students, a dedicated space for learning-related information that both students and teachers can have quick and convenient access to.

It’s also great that you have features like text-to-speech, which can help students access information without being able to read it, benefiting everyone!

I would have loved to learn more about how your average student or teacher would navigate the app, or learn about their user flow/journey. For Michael Wilson, what would his daily app usage look like? This is an excellent opportunity to tell a story about how helpful your app is in helping your typical users achieve their goals.

👏 Curriculum Engineer at 2U Inc. — Emoti-Con Judge
Accessibility matters! And I love how you realize this fact in your project and how you focus your idea on helping students with special needs to have a better experience in class.

Accessibility is a broad area of research that will require not only talent but also people with the love and vision you have. I encourage you to continue learning more about accessible user interface design and continue the professional (and even fun) path of universal design.

👏 Associate Director | GPO at Ernst & Young LLP — Emoti-Con Judge
I like an idea! Application will be easy to use! Design looks simple, but it allows use to learn application quickly! The team did a great presentation. It was clear for me how application works.
I like an idea of rewards. It is an excellent idea with kids in addition to grades.
Ability to communicate with each other is also a good feature, especially if a question is simple and student needs to ask teacher instead of sending email.
Good job! Continue working on a project!

👏 Aluminati at The Emoti-Con Steering Committee — Emoti-Con Judge
This is really well thought-out app for teachers and students. I like how it provides multiple features for keeping track of the classroom. I think you all have chosen a really great problem to tackle and your mockups look great! My only critique is that in your presentation you can skip the screens for login/resetting password as most people are familiar with the process.

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a Middle School Student
i really liked the app design of this group
Lucas 👏 a High School Student
This project looks awesome! This should definitely be a helpful addition for students with disabilities.