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“Dr. Foodie”

Honorable Mention 👏
Creators: Ozan
A High School Student from Nano Hackers Academy
Ozan Mirza Dr Foodie 2021 Submission

About this Project:

Generally, consumers have been quite ignorant as to what they put in their body, nutritionally speaking that is. And so, I created Dr. Foodie, an iOS app on the App Store right now. This app uses AI and public API services to help the user become aware of the food that their eating.

The app acts as a journal of sorts where before they eat their food, the user snaps a quick picture of it. At which point the AI then guesses what they are eating and shows them a list of estimated guesses. The user selects which one the food actually is and then the app shows them the food's nutritional value in the form of the nutritional labels outside of every food package. The user can then save it and look back to it whenever they desire.

There are also other features in the app such as a map that shows the user healthy, local, and verified restaurants that they can try out. Part of the selection process within the app for what to recommend to the user is based on their previous tastes. Also, there is a data page that shows the user what they have already consumed and what they might want to consider consuming later on in the day to help their body out the most.

The design process was one of the more fascinating parts of this whole experience for me. Specifically because, generally iOS apps are developed with the MVVM style, and I hoped to evolve that programming paradigm into a more creative and useful style that is still just as efficient. All of the code can be found on my GitHub.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Technology Director at Self-Employed — Emoti-Con Judge
The amount of work you put into this project is very impressive. From the human-centered design principles to the integration of multiple APIs and creation of a working prototype, it's clear to me that you have a passion for this type of work and a bright future in this field. I particularly enjoyed seeing some of your thought process play out on the github.io page. Although it's not part of the judging, I found your code structure to be clean and readable.

What I loved more than anything was the thought you put into the user experience. The technical challenge of creating an app is one thing, but doing it in a way that is intuitive and beautiful is a completely different challenge that you took on successfully. This app has legitimate potential and I hope you continue evolving it into something amazing.

👏 Outreach Lead, ICESat-2 Mission at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center — Emoti-Con Judge
The Dr. Foodie App is very well thought out and beautifully designed. Great idea and very clear and well done video!
The app was even available for download, so I tried it out. Very easy and fun to use.

One suggestion, if you are trying to help people eat healthier, would be to add an option (if possible), where say they take a picture of french fries, you could offer the option of getting them locally AND offer a healthier alternative like potatoes baked in oven with just a little oil or sauteed in pan and have those nutrition facts. That way, they see there is a clear difference in terms of calories and other nutrition data.

Well done job and keep up the great creative work!

👏 UX Design Manager at Samsung Electronics — Emoti-Con Judge
It’s simply well done. I loved how ambitious, technical, and delightful it was. This was a very well articulated presentation with a comprehensive documented work process, and I’m impressed that you used AI and public API service and uploaded an app on the app store!

If you add more features to the app, such as local store promotions and healthy recipes, it could be a good starting point for a business model. Keep up with the craft experiences that delight our users; keep rocking!

👏 Senior Account Executive at Microsoft — Emoti-Con Judge
Firstly, I love the premise of the app. Obesity in the United States in a huge social challenge which disproportionately affects those with worse access to healthy food, lifestyles and education. Providing a user friendly app that can help users tackle core concepts around nutrition and healthy food can have a great social impact and can help to 'de-mystify' health and provide simple facts around consumption habits.

Reading your journal about how you put together this app was very informative. You clearly thought long and hard about the design and build process to get your Product out in the right time frame with the features and designs that you were happy with.

The user flow is intuitive and the design is sleek. I can see multiple areas of value, to consumers for health, to restaurants and grocery stores to incentivize selling healthy food. You have re-framed the issue nicely, to put the onus on the provider as well as the consumer to market and sell healthy food.

Questions to consider
The nutrition label is a great idea, could you color code it to show what is a 'healthy' (green) vs 'not healthy' (red) level of sodium / fat / protein is in your food group?
Could you describe how a user might use the Dr Foodie app and the outcomes they could expect? Would it be used as part of a health and fitness program, as part of a budgeting process? It would be good to see more 'user' outcome in the next iteration!

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a Teacher and/or Educator
Great for people trying to stay healthy!
👏 a Technology Professional
Great idea, amazing design especially, and really impressive that we can find this on the AppStore. All in all, great work. Hope you win the Design Award.