“Distribute App”
About this Project:
The project by the name "Distribute" is an app that faces the problem of hunger around the world. We came up with this idea when we were eating lunch at school and realized how much untouched food is thrown away.
How the app works is by a basic and straightforward menu that tells you where is everything, from here you can purchase food with points that are given to you when you donate food, however you can also get food from a limited stock that is just meant to be donated to the people who can't access points because of their condition as having no food to donate to get points.
<-- menu <-- purchase with points or from donations.
To start off, you make your profile to get access with the app.Then in the handbook section shows how the app works and what you can or can not do in the app.Then in Purchase, shows the Dry foods and the Liquids sections where you ordered with or without points.