“COVID-21, A Platformer Game”
About this Project:
Hi! We are a group of friends from JHS Halsey 157 and we made a game called Covid-21 run. In this game you have to do things to stay socially distanced and make the right decisions to stay healthy and complete the level. There are 12 unique levels so far to our game all with its own set of challenges and rewards. In the game the goal is to collect the things that help you stay safe during covid such as masks and hand sanitizers. The topic of this game falls under the category resilience through games. Games are a fun way to spend your time but when they have meaning they can teach something new in a way everyone loves to explore. In our game you can become fully immersed while learning lessons about what you should and shouldn’t do during the pandemic.
Our game is relatively simple in the movements and mechanics you or the character can move. The left arrow makes you move forward the right back and the up arrow makes you jump. And you can play on mobile by tapping on the screen where you want to go.We also have grappling features which allows you character to grapple onto walls in order to collect it’s reward, and teach its target. Each level you have to collect something and don’t touch someone or something to stay safe from COVID similarly like in real life. This game should advance your understanding of how to stay safe from COVID-19.