“Build A Better World - AICK”

About this Project:
Building a better world is about building a world that overall brings positive aspects to the world. We have to build a world that can show a world that we would want to see in reality. Some aspects of building a better world is making it a safer place for everyone so it can be a friendly community for all and making daily tasks easier for people who are disabled or physically and mentally damaged. 1 in 4 adults in America are disabled, so a better world would make tasks in life easier for them.
Also, there could be technology to help them maneuver, and be able to move around the world in a safer experience and in a way that they can reach places that they need to go at an accessible rate. Additionally, building a better world requires diversity. This means that there will be a variety of different kinds of people from skin color to personality. This is important because we need to show that in a better world, everybody can fit in. The world should show a different world than what we have today.
Having a prototype of the world in minecraft is good because then we can have evidence of how this better world can benefit us in reality. It is important to show creativity in our minecraft game because it will show how everything is possible with hard work and creativity. It will show that if us 8th graders can make a new world then everyone can be a little more creative and make the world better. Overall, we need to include diversity, disabled humans, and show how this world will give everyone a better and easier life.
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I can tell that building this world took a lot of time, thought, and care to make sure you all were making something that you believe is worthwhile and would help people. Very good work.