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Creators: Jayquan G.
a Middle School Student from Mouse & DIIT Design League @ MS 301
Featured Project Image Jayquan

About this Project:

The health apps that exist are hard to use, especially for older people. There are so many things to click that you don’t even know how to use it. I wanted to create something to monitor your health and is easy to use. And that’s how I came up with BEAT! I came up with Beat because health apps are hard to use.

My grandparents are always asking me to figure out how to use the iphone health apps. I thought it would be good for them to have an easy app one face scan and you get your heart rate right away. The information you want to know without all the hassle.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Sr. Director of After School and Informal Education at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
Hi Jayquan! I love that you share the inspiration behind your idea: your own grandparents. All great designs start with a real, human need. This app design has a simple, easy to use interface and its purpose is very clear. Great job on your pitch too!

👏 Admissions Counselor at University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design — Emoti-Con Judge
Having a great project is impressive, but I am so touched that you shared your inspiration. It really demonstrates your ability to lean on your experiences as inspiration for future projects! Keep it up!

👏 BFA Integrated Design Student at Parsons School of Design Senior — Emoti-Con Judge
I'm so touched by your inspiration for this project! Something we talk about a lot at Parsons is how we can make design inclusive. It's interesting how sometimes things designed for certain people actually don't end up fulfilling their needs. I love that you noticed a discrepancy and used it as inspiration. I like the video and how you talked us through the project. I wonder what the app does with the data? Does it give you the information just at the moment or does it store it? Keep up the great work!

👏 Development Manager at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
I thought the project addressed an important social need -- the discrepancy between increasingly sophisticated health apps and the ability of older people to use them. The design process is quite persuasive, and the media pitches are clear and attractive. If you make the app more versatile -- for instance, by adding capabilities for checking blood pressure and other health indicators -- this would be a great tool to address the healthcare needs of a vulnerable population. Good job!

👏 Associate Professor, Art & Design at Kutztown University — Emoti-Con Judge
When ideas come from a place of love and need they are always great ideas! This app design is very much so needed in our world. I love how bold and graphic the design style is as well because as humans get older, our vision deteriorates. So in addition to technology challenges, vision challenges add another layer. Your app is simple and effective, well done!

👏 Software Engineer at Google — Emoti-Con Judge
Jayquan, nice job recognizing the demand for a user-friendly health app for older users. Beat’s approachable design and ease of use will invite users to use your app daily. As you expand on your design, I encourage you to research specific sensors that are built into our smartphones (e.g. proximity sensor and gyroscope) and leverage those when you build Beat’s next awesome features. Great work!