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Creators: Frederick, Sadeed, Talib, Andy, Michael
High School Students from Academy of Innovative Technology HS
Themes of Project:
  • Environment/Sustainability
Screenshot 2024 05 10 at 2 33 31 PM

About this Project:

For Americans composting neglect is a huge issue in our society. It is stated by the Benefits of Recycling that 72 percent of Americans don't compost their food waste, however, 67 percent would be willing to if it was more accessible. Our dear earth's health can have great benefits from the increase in composting, for example,it reduces methane emission, prevents soil erosion, conserves water, and combats climate change. but it wont happen unless people are given the motivation to take charge.

Our Solution:
So we present Terraturn; the middle man of the composting process where we provide tools and transport all compostable waste so our participants won’t have to do the harder parts themselves. Participants will be enticed by our rewards system to actively take green actions that will land them golden rewards, such as, gift cards, discounts, and a leaderboard to compete with community members .

Our Inspiration:
This was brought to our attention by our school attempting to transform into a 0 waste school which prompted us to dig deeper into the world of 0 waste and composting. Our idea was nothing but a tiny seed which had the issue but no solution until it sprouted into a wonderful garden. We knew we needed a solution that wasn’t impossible to attain but effective for our idea to work.

How It Works:
We will provide participants with a custom compost bin that can weigh the compost, protect from smells, and is durable and recyclable if damaged. Our idea requires us to partner with people interested in composting and those interested in buying compost (local farms, gardening enthusiasts, etc.) to simplify the process on the participants' lives.

Project Media


Screenshot 2024 05 10 at 2 34 12 PM
Screenshot 2024 05 10 at 2 34 19 PM


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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Director Industry Strategy at Prophecy — Emoti-Con Judge
This is an important issue and your project does a great job of describing the problem and, in a very accessible and clean, well designed way, engaging people on why it matters, how they can take action and how your project can help. Thanks for sharing!

👏 UX Designer at Freelance — Emoti-Con Judge
I love this idea! It's definitely something to think about for all humans on this planet. The storytelling is really wonderful. The presentation is easy to follow and I like the research you did in the beginning about the statistics of the problem today. Would be great to see how you arrived at the specific pain points of the users (did you do some interviews?), but the solutions you came up with are really thoughtful. The points system and leader board will be very popular (hopefully!). Thinking about the whole process from start (investors) to finish (purchasers of the compost) is a great way to frame the experience. I really hope this comes to life one day!

👏 Critical Response Team at Kyndryl — Emoti-Con Judge
Your presentation does a wonderful job of detailing the problem you are trying to solve and your process to ultimately design a solution. How you tell a story and present a solution matters in the work I do as a web product manager and I applaud you for making an effort to create an engaging slideshow to complement your thoughtful solution.

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a High School Student from Canada
This is a really innovative project. Although it might seem common but at the same time it’s not!
Aamir 👏 a High School Student from Dhaka, Bangladesh
Very good initiative
Nicolas 👏 a Community Member from NYC/U.S
Very informative project and such a promising idea!

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