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“Our Earth: Save this planet”

Creators: Alison, Argenis, Malena, Lukesh, Justin, Jayden]
Middle School Students from M.S. 935
Type of Project:
  • Other
Themes of Project:
  • Environment/Sustainability
Screen Shot 2024 05 10 at 12 14 27 PM

About this Project:

Our Zine is a project that we used to give information on global warming and how it impacts our earth.

With the research we’ve done, we have information on how our earth is being polluted.

By giving information on things that infect our earth everyday and how it’s bad for the environment so that people can attempt to save the earth.

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Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Senior Corporate Operations Engineer at Google — Emoti-Con Judge
Excellent work! You've selected an extremely important topic and presented it in a professional manner. Nice job using Google Slides to convey your message and develop a method to communicate how critical it is to understand human impact to the environment.

👏 Technology Product Manager at Trust for the National Mall — Emoti-Con Judge
What a great approach to such a knotty and important problem. A digital zine is a great way to showcase issues, efforts, and how people can engage. Using free tools is a clever way to cut costs and not worry about technical issues. You are right: “There is still more work to be done to protect the earth,” and your Zine is a step in the right direction. Great work!

👏 Head of Transitions at Alliance Global Partners — Emoti-Con Judge
Global warming is such an important topic in our world today so I really commend you guys for trying to tackle this issue. By using the zine format you have chosen a form of media that can engage and be informative. The slides included little bits of the zine but I wish you had attached it to your project submission because I am interested to see the full idea behind your project. Some suggestions for the future is to get more in depth with your design and interview process. Sometimes the journey matters more than the destination. Good job guys.

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