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“Ocean Warriors”

Creators: Farhan, Syeda, Armina
High School Students from Thomas A. Edison CTE HS
Themes of Project:
  • Environment/Sustainability
Ocean Warriors

About this Project:

Our project addresses the issue of ocean pollution. We came up with the idea by brainstorming issues in the world today that we care for that we can incorporate in our game. It had evolved by a whole game being created out of it. The project works by having the user try to collect as much plastic as they can without harming fishes.

Project Media


Game Play 2
Game Play


More About this Project

Figma - This is a link to our mockup of our project. This displays how our design process was and how our game developed.

Github - This is a website that teaches users about our game. It includes the general information about our game so that people can understand our purpose behind the game.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Chief Information Officer at Union College — Emoti-Con Judge
You have picked an important topic to address through your app. You have done a great job defining what needs to be in the game! I like that you include a tutorial on how to play the game along with giving the player options for music and sound effects! I personally like to turn sound effects off so I am glad to see that you thought about that option! This is a really great start for this game. Your idea of adding more details and information bubbles to the game are great. These could be used to educate people about the effects of pollution as they play the game. For example, on the screen where you show the score, you could also display some information on why you died (“you left too much pollution in the ocean so the fish could not live”) or if you win have some congratulation message (“you saved all the fish from dying!”). This is a really important topic to make people aware of so I really appreciate your creative game idea to engage people in a fun way!

👏 Experience Mgt- Sr Mgr at Customer Experience Transformation — Emoti-Con Judge
Ocean pollution is such an important topic and I really like the way that your game considers caring for the fish while also cleaning the ocean. It seems like it would be a fun and easy game to play. I appreciate how you included the settings and instructions for the users. It would be cool if you could also teach people about things in the ocean with your game. For example, real fish with their names and a brief description or coral reef etc.

👏 Senior UX Designer at ADP — Emoti-Con Judge
I love the design. I feel it's very relatable to the ocean. I love the slides you have created, and the topic is definitely very important to address. As someone who loves the beach, I appreciate the focus on protecting it by clearing out trash and being considerate of the fish in the ocean. Overall, I really love the idea of the game design.

I have read the comments from Ellen and Maris and agree with their suggestions. Additionally, with the games, if we could explain or provide references to which ocean is being discussed, and what types of fish are being protected by removing the trash, it would be very helpful. Including a brief description of the ocean world and its wonderful organisms would also enhance the overall experience.

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