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“Ocean Pong”

Creators: Sharena
High School Students from Thomas A. Edison CTE HS
Themes of Project:
  • Education/Schools,
  • Environment/Sustainability,
  • Public Safety

About this Project:

The issue my project addresses is the prevalent amount of waste found in oceans. Initially designing Ocean Pong, I had figured that the application should be more of an arcade style game and thought of applications that are popular online that may be used for my inspiration/basis. This later evolved into changing the backdrop to be of an ocean with components of sea life surrounding it. Our project will use keypad notions to interact and prevent components from falling out of boundaries/borders.

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More About this Project

Ocean Pong is based off the arcade version of pong. Rather than preventing the ping pong ball from hitting the borders and falling out of boundaries, you prevent “waste” from falling into the ocean. This is done by interacting/moving a slider by pressing your left and right arrowkeys (of which is usually the paddle in ping pong) You must direct the waste into the recycle in order to increase your overall score and points. Do your best to avoid having waste fall into the ocean and aim towards the recycle!

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems at University of the Potomac — Emoti-Con Judge
Great concept and execution!

👏 Program Manager at Esports Trade Association — Emoti-Con Judge
The interface design is very clean and easy to navigate. The game is fun to play. I like the idea of playing a game with the idea of making sure water bottles go into the trash can. I would like to challenge the maker of the game to think bigger and how to convey that the issue is so much bigger than a few water bottles and one trash can.

👏 Library Technical Assistant III at New York Public Library — Emoti-Con Judge
Great message! Let's save our oceans!

👏 Principal Experience Designer at Verizon — Emoti-Con Judge
- I like the simplicity of the Pong concept to intercept human waste and prevent it from going into the ocean.
- The team did a good job of explaining their initial direction, how their ideas evolved, and the inspiration for the Pong concept. It was helpful to see how the paper prototypes evolved into the finished game.
- The game was simple to learn and operate, and the increasing speed made it challenging.
- Would have liked to see how the app usage and scoring would relate to cleaning up or preventing further ocean pollution in the real world.
- With such a simple and strong start, would love to understand what other next steps might be implemented in the game

I had fun, and as the full concept is built out want to see how this concept evolves to inspire actions.

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