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Creators: Mim, Nikolle, Latoya, Maru
High School Students from Thomas A. Edison CTE HS
Type of Project:
  • UX/UI Design,
  • Visual Art & Design
Themes of Project:
  • Mental Health,
  • Physical Health
Leaffreelogo 1

About this Project:

Many teenagers feel the need to use marijuana as a means to sort issues out and feel better; it’s wrong, because it has a negative impact on health and mentality. First, we brainstormed issues in our community that we were familiar with and wanted to have an impact on changing; this issue was marijuana usage amongst teams. It was evolved through the help of our teacher and mentors who allowed us to understand what goes into the app and how our research and personal experiences with the issues could be combined cohesively into one application to aid. It would be an app the user can download on their phone, utilizing the features we designed with easy access. The user interacts through tapping on their phone and the buttons that navigate them from page to page as well as the contents on each page.

Project Media


Interaction chart
Tracker photo
App stuff


More About this Project

In our slides, we wanted to present a lot of information about the demographic for our app: we want to focus specifically on teenagers because of the vast amount of issues they're going through today. Seeing as our entire team are high school students, the issue resonated with us profoundly because it was something we could relate to. As you can see from our photos, we stuck to a green-pink color scheme as we thought it went good with the overall motif of leaves which we had fun thinking of! In the other photos you can see some examples of how we thought our app should look like, for example the tracker page and the logo screen.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Head of Trade & Execution Shared Services at RBC Capital Markets — Emoti-Con Judge
An amazing way to engage students and young people about an important issue! The app presentation did a great job of introducing the project and providing a preview of some of the most important features. It increased my interest in seeing the wireframes / demo and my overall interest in trying the application. The design choices were smart and artistic, creating lots of functional ways to navigate the screens with clear, readable font and some cool color choices. I loved the artistic efforts that went into the selection of the icons and images for each of the apps features. This app is both functional and beautiful! A suggestion that could improve the presentation of your app concept and possibly drive more interest from new users would be to add more color and interactive options in your demo. It was great to see that you created personas for your user group in your design planning - don't hesitate to reach out to some real users to try your app and get feedback on the design. Amazing work!

👏 Innovation Designer at IBM — Emoti-Con Judge
This is an incredible pitch! It’s apparent that you’ve researched your domain to a level of clear understanding. Your presentation demonstrates strong storytelling from a written and visual perspective; it helped me understand your concept from the “why” to the “how.” It’s wonderful that you were able to survey such a large population and conduct market research to understand the needs, frustrations, and emotions of Kevyon and Julia. In addition, the way you’ve defined how your solution is unique from the current market, shows the success of your user research and allows your prototype to shine. In the future, I’d love to see fleshed paths of all the different options. It seems the only connected paths are the pet store and pet screen- it might be worth it to explore how different app options/activities can potentially tie into and inform one another to create a more cohesive solution. Your project is incredibly user-driven- remember you can continuously user test your prototypes to gain more insights and feedback. Excited to see where this project takes your team, and please keep working on this concept!

👏 Design Engineering Manager at GAF Energy — Emoti-Con Judge
Great idea - the survey research was done well and the user story was clearly defined. Looking forward to seeing what could be done with this in the future - with the help of some specialist clinical psychologists I'm sure they would be able to help you define some additional reward/support/interaction systems.

Feedback from the Community:

J-_- 👏 a High School Student
The color scheme and the creativity of the presentation went well with your app design. The theme fo the presentation was clearly carried through the presentation. I specifically enjoyed how you made the app relatable to you as you throughly explained as you said how you see the impacts of marijuana everyday. The explanations of why you made the app and the statistics used was thorough and well presented. I loved your presentation.
Tahirah 👏 a High School Student
LeafFree did problem solving very well with a well thought out app that would help solve the issue of marijuana use. The issue was clear and very easy to understand, and abstraction and decomposition skills were used very effectively here.
T 👏 a High School Student from Thomas A. Edison CTE HS
I believe this team was able to decompose their project into smaller pieces, that makes their social issue more understandable. Your strategies/presentational abilities to break your abstract topic, into tiny understandable features, was absolutely phenomenal.
Ryan 👏 a High School Student
Team LeafFree was able to do the "Algorithmic Rigor and Efficiency" aspect for the project very well. The reason I say this is because the way to lessen the use of Marijuana by giving motivation and support is a great way to solve the problem. The design for the project was very good as well.
Antonella 👏 a High School Student
You did very well when addressing the 'Clarity of Computational Thinking' part of the project. You were able to find an issue; marijuana usage and then able to provide a strong solution which is a reward pet system. You guys did amazing!
Ameera K. 👏 a High School Student
I like your visuals! They make it aesthetically pleasing to look at your app and slides.
Saiyara 👏 a High School Student from New York
Team LeafFree, I think you did really well on Computational Creativity and Innovation because all of your slides are unique and good in artistic way and i love how you put a lot of great little details and images to prove your point.
👏 a High School Student
I like how you guys used the information collected from the surveys to implement the seriousness of the issue you are representing and you did really good on using your personas to explain how your app would help them
F 👏 a High School Student
Love the wireframe it looks amazing and is easy to understand!
Noreen Fitzgerald-Makar 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from NYCDOE
Amisha 👏 a High School Student
The creators of LeafFree did a great job at emphasizing the impacts of using marijuana, especially amongst teens. The statistics and research shown in the presentation slides shows credibility of this social issue still occurring in tis society. Also, the theme of the design throughout the app was very cohesive and showed continuity throughout their app and slides.

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