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Creators: Davie, Derrick, Allison & Abdus
Middle School Students from J.H.S. 118 William W. Niles School
Type of Project:
  • UX/UI Design,
  • Other
Themes of Project:
  • Community Advocacy,
  • Culture/Heritage,
  • Immigration
Screenshot 2024 05 11 at 1 07 39 PM

About this Project:

Our project Immigration Naturalization Process helps immigrants who face challenges when transitioning to a new country. Being in a new country and not knowing what to do or where to get help from, is a struggle. However, our app helps immigrants with this problem. In our app, we provide them with organizations that are near them. Not only that but to make our app easy to function like, providing them with different languages. To help them, we will ask them a series of questions that will help us understand their situation to help them. Our app addresses any issue as various organizations will be given to them to contact, based on their problem.

All of the members in our team have immigrant parents so we decided to brainstorm and think about our own personal lives and the struggles our parents go through. Based on that, we decided to think of ways we can help other people who go through the same thing. Moreover, organizations are a great source to find help and ask questions with people who work to give help to immigrants. But, it is pretty hard to find an organization that will provide you the solution to your situation, so we added questions to help us provide the user an organization that will support them in that specific problem. Not only that, we give them the location and the contact number of the organizations.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Principal at The General Partnership — Emoti-Con Judge
Your narrative, as well as the opening screens of the app, helped me to immediately understand the challenge: As a newcomer in a new place, it could be quite difficult knowing where to get help. I love that your app starts off with a language selection screen: it shows that your target audience is quite diverse and that your app must accommodate that. (In the app world, we call this kind of work "internationalization" or "i18n" for short, for the large number of letters between the first and last one in that word!)

One question I had is, where do the answer to the questions (shown in screen 2) go? While of course a human could review these and suggest answers, perhaps this is also something you could automate, so that you can handle more users. To take that further, there are many new AI tools emerging every day that are good at tasks like summarizing inputs and extracting sentiments.

Thanks for sharing a compelling problem and idea to solve it.

👏 Assoc Dir - Call Center Tech Customer Service at Verizon — Emoti-Con Judge
Your concept of helping new comers to a strange new community is very relevant in the NY Metro area. I can tell that your group put a lot of thought into thinking of a way to help others such as the fact that you have 9 different languages to support end users: English, Hindi, Spanish, Mandarin, Japanese, Arabic, French, and Korean which help help people of many different cultures and backgrounds. Thanks for thinking of a solution to help people of many nations become self sufficient and mobile in the USA.

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