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“How to Help Nature?”

Creators: Maria, Chantal, Jeisaura, Laura and Annelys
Middle School Students from I.S. 206 Ann Mersereau
Themes of Project:
  • Entertainment
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About this Project:

The challenge of my project is how people can help Nature.

My main idea was to help people know how to help nature. And my progress is due to the fact that some people are interested in my application.

My app would work so that people can access more information, I'm working on that.
Maria, Chantal, Jeisaura,Laura y Annelys hidalgo.

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Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Founder, Lead Designer at Bitesize UX — Emoti-Con Judge
Hi Maria, Chantal, Jeisaura, Laura and Annelys!

Awesome work! I usually leave design feedback with a quick video, so I created one for you. It highlights some of my favorite parts of your project, and some next steps to keep improving.

Here’s a link to the video - https://www.loom.com/share/9e5f2692209a4856ab19acf1577e824f?sid=7c53f524-e479-46f2-b553-5f212a16bebb

I also included some key points from the transcript for you to check out below.

Hey Maria, Chantal, Jeisaura, Laura and Annelys, how's it going? My name's Joe from Bitesize UX. I have your project, "How to Help Nature?" up here, and first and foremost, I want to say great job! I was really happy to see your video presentation and the work you put into this project - I'm impressed with what you've accomplished.

Some of the highlights for me include your bilingual presentation. Having the translation in both English and Spanish is fantastic and a great example of accessibility in design. Making sure as many people as possible can use and benefit from your app is crucial, and you did an excellent job with that. Your presentation skills were also outstanding, making it easy for me to understand your ideas and decisions.

I was particularly impressed with the flow of screens you created, showing the process from start to finish. This is what we call a user flow in UX design, and it was great to see the detailed steps a user would take, from the start screen to the login and through to the tips and facts about the environment. Your attention to detail in outlining these steps is really commendable.

For some areas of improvement, I suggest making your app more actionable. You've done a fantastic job providing information about the environment, animals, and nature. Can you take it a step further by giving people specific ways to help or contribute to a better environment? Consider adding tips for reducing waste, preserving the environment, or even actions like signing petitions or volunteering. You've explained the issues well; now inspire people to get involved and make a difference!

Overall, great job, team. Your presentation and project are impressive, and I hope you keep building on this idea. I hope my feedback is helpful. Keep practicing and refining your skills. Have a great day and good luck with your future projects!

👏 Software Engineer at Amazon — Emoti-Con Judge
Love the video pitch! Great work Maria, Chantal, Jeisaura, Laura and Annelys! The user flow you created is very informative! I would suggest to move forward and add some actionable steps to get people more involved. Keep innovating!

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