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“Crazy Fashion”

Creators: Vashti
High School Students from Thomas A. Edison CTE HS
Type of Project:
  • Game Design
Themes of Project:
  • Entertainment
Screenshot 2024 05 07 123336

About this Project:

Some challenges, issues and needs that my project addresses is the fact that the bride killed her husband and in order to escape she has to face some challenges through the woods. I call that CRAZY FASHION. My project would work as a character and a storyline at the bottom, as you approach obstacles you would change your looks or either clean parts of the forest.

Project Media


Screenshot 2024 05 07 123336
Screenshot 2024 05 07 123408
Screenshot 2024 05 07 123438
Screenshot 2024 05 07 123500


More About this Project

These links shows the process of my work and how my designs were made, my inspiration and it basically explains why and how the game impacts our environment

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Director Industry Strategy at Prophecy — Emoti-Con Judge
Good work on the design and completing the game showing the storyline. A better connection to the social issue is needed to match the dramatic story.

👏 Assoc Dir - Call Center Tech Customer Service at Verizon — Emoti-Con Judge
What a fun and creative focus on fashion with twist of technology. Your idea of storytelling to keep everyone's interest is a good way to keep engagement going through the app. Leaving a lasting impression through fashion is a compelling way to do.

👏 Senior UX Designer at ADP — Emoti-Con Judge
👏Great Job! Beautiful design, well laid out, and very engaging.

Feedback from the Community:

Brie 👏 a Middle School Student
I'm loving this idea. As a writer myself I love the plot however, I think you could fix your social issue.
Alexander The Great 👏 a Middle School Student
I like how you made your figma but it's confusing and I don't understand what the app is teaching people

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