Creators: Srutha, Shifa, Afrin, Emily
High School Students from Thomas A. Edison CTE HS
Type of Project:
- UX/UI Design
Themes of Project:
- Mental Health
About this Project:
Over time, we noticed that numerous juniors and seniors were experiencing stress as a result of college and the associated processes. Our goal was to center our app around mental health, specifically focusing on stress, to provide support not only to seniors but also to anyone going through the college application process. We conducted interviews with seniors and college advisors to gather their insights on college applications and mental well-being. Our app CollieAssist aims to assist students in becoming more familiar with the college application process, therefore creating a sense of increased comfort and ease for them.
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*There's an updated Figma link on the 2nd link
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Community Feedback:
Great Design
Makes Me Think
Feedback from the Judges:
This is a fun app that I could see helping students navigate the college application process. It seems user friendly and is age appropriate. I wish that the video was working so that I could have seen it in action.
- Well organized presentation, clear objectives, easy to understand, easy to follow
- Liked investigation of feelings, motivations, and use of personas to help structure the research and the story
- Clearly an important topic for the target audience
- Focus on stress and mental health is unique, provided how to’s and a mental temperature check
- Liked use of text messages as well as the app
- Accessibility was considered in the designs
All around a great concept that is well executed. Would love to see this get built as envisioned.
- Liked investigation of feelings, motivations, and use of personas to help structure the research and the story
- Clearly an important topic for the target audience
- Focus on stress and mental health is unique, provided how to’s and a mental temperature check
- Liked use of text messages as well as the app
- Accessibility was considered in the designs
All around a great concept that is well executed. Would love to see this get built as envisioned.
What a great idea! The college application process certainly can be stressful, and I think this is a great angle to create a product that's not only helpful, but encouraging and beneficial to mental health. I loved all of the thought you put into designing Collie, especially the personas and research. It's clear that you put in the work before thinking of a unique solution. I appreciate that your notes included ideas to "add more features such as a stress reliever, notifications that motivate the user" — I would have loved to see this implemented in the app itself, especially as a way to relieve stress and create a positive experience with college apps, which is one of your main concerns. Overall, well done!
Feedback from the Community:
LR 👏 a High School Student from New York
CollieAssist is a fun and innovative app to help seniors with their journey to college. The mockups and slides were very creative and engaging to look at.
👏 a High School Student
This is a really great app for students who are struggling with their course of education. It's really helpful for them to have an app to manage their stress and just overall have a coping system for stressful college application times.
Emily 👏 a High School Student
This is the actual link to the app. There were some confusion uploading it.
https://www.figma.com/proto/nbtG28ejKJfzgo08zkOrdD/Team-SEAS-Collie-Assist-Wireframe?node-id=671-1293&t=ey0QaZSzUskeFfZF-0&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=671%3A1293&show-proto-sidebar=1 (this link is the 2nd link on the project)
https://www.figma.com/proto/nbtG28ejKJfzgo08zkOrdD/Team-SEAS-Collie-Assist-Wireframe?node-id=671-1293&t=ey0QaZSzUskeFfZF-0&scaling=scale-down&page-id=0%3A1&starting-point-node-id=671%3A1293&show-proto-sidebar=1 (this link is the 2nd link on the project)