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Creators: Elizabeth, Elisa, Anna, Sophia, Yousef, Max
High School Students from New Dorp High School
Type of Project:
  • AI & Machine Learning,
  • Engineering,
  • Visual Art & Design
Themes of Project:
  • Community Advocacy,
  • Education/Schools,
  • Resource Sharing
Screenshot 2024 05 10 1 15 06 PM

About this Project:

Careers&Courses is specially made for all students to have access to the information they need about education, courses, and more, allowing them to plan their educational experiences according to their interests and possible career choices.

Project Media


Screenshot 2024 05 10 1 18 12 PM
Screenshot 2024 05 10 1 17 44 PM
Screenshot 2024 05 10 1 16 54 PM



More About this Project

As you can see, we have our company logo. There is our home page where there are several features; Career Course Help, Programming, Volunteering/Service Hours, Survey, Personal, Help, Questions, and App Ratings. There is also our Career Course Help feature shown, and our Personal page feature shown, which contains content on the user, personalized to them. This app was put together based on many students' experiences, making it perfectly suitable for all students. It is important to make sure the youth of the world is headed in the right direction, to ensure success in the future and real world situations. Schools nowadays are in power to raise these students to become powerful, smart, and successful young adults, which our app wants to aid in.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Assistant Professor of Computer Science at The University of Hartford — Emoti-Con Judge
Great idea for a project, and nice work. I imagine high school students everywhere will appreciate a tool like this every semester before registering for classes, creating more informed academic experiences.

👏 Head of Design at Ringlet — Emoti-Con Judge
Your project is really well done and your app looks great! The logo and the home screen especially are simple and beautiful, and the app is full of useful, interesting functionality. I also like that your presentation was so thorough, covering your design process and even including user surveys and competitive analysis — that’s really good data to consider. I like that you mentioned AI in the form of 24/7 AI assistance, and I think you could take it even further by having AI ingest all the data about a user and generate suggestions for them. I love how you approached this problem space and what you came up with!

Feedback from the Community:

Vendra 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator
I really liked the concept of helping students decide what to study in order to meet the expectations of their future career!
Madison 👏 a High School Student from New York
I really like this app, I feel like it would have helped me when I was choosing classes for highschool.

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