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“Bye Bye Graffiti”

Creators: Claire, Leslie
Middle School Students from P.S./I.S. 95 The Gravesend School
Themes of Project:
  • Community Advocacy
Screen Shot 2024 05 11 at 7 34 43 PM

About this Project:

We have been trying to minimize the amount of graffiti in our world. We would like to grow our group and keep our world healthy. Finally, thank you for supporting us and joining us on this epic journey! Our project is based on the amount of graffiti that we see in our neighborhood that diminishes the environment around us. We encourage artist to find a safe space to produce their artwork, rather than on storefronts illegally. Users can report unwanted graffiti by using our app.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Creative Designer at The Pack — Emoti-Con Judge
The presentation lacks consistency in its design elements, particularly in the color scheme and button styles. The use of gradient colors is distracting and the blue text on buttons is not visually appealing. There is room for improvement in the overall UI design, with a focus on creating a more cohesive and user-friendly interface.

👏 Director, Data Engineering at SiriusXM — Emoti-Con Judge
I appreciate the issue you chose to address--I'd love to see less unwelcome graffiti around the city. I'm glad that you also thought about how to incorporate more intentional street art into the app by connecting artists with plans for sanctioned public art projects.

I'd like to see you continue to build on the wireframes and user experience (UX) that you've sketched out already and see what other changes you can introduce to make the app come to life a bit more. Some ideas might include a more unified style (fonts, colors, etc.) and mock-ups of some of the other features you outlined in your slides.

👏 Senior Software Engineer at Catch — Emoti-Con Judge
Great job identifying an approachable local issue and possible solution! I also really liked that you thought about promoting other outlets for artists.

My favorite part of your design is your logo and, if you decide to build out your wireframes and app, it might be nice to incorporate more of its colors and styles.

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