“Bully Beater”
Creators: Xavier, Parker, Elliot
Middle School Students from I.S. 27 Anning S. Prall
Themes of Project:
- Education/Schools,
- Mental Health

About this Project:
Everyday millions of people are bullied in the world. Lots of those people don’t tell anyone because there nervous. This is a problem and it needs to be solved. Our idea has evolved from a small dream to stop bullying to a chance to stop it. If we can develop this app students will be able to report kids anonymously thus ending the bullies bullying and not causing the bully to find the kid after school and beat them up. We believe this can better the world.As we conclude our project, we think our app will help with bullying and help adults better understand children. We hope this can better the world
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Community Feedback:
Great Design
Makes Me Think
Feedback from the Judges:
Great work putting this together! You've identified a very important and widespread issue -- bullying. Students who would otherwise not report bullying because they're not comfortable speaking up would have the opportunity to get help using your app!
Any report of bullying would have to be investigated, so I'd suggest that reports shouldn't be anonymous. The investigation would determine if the report was true or false. If true, it would allow teachers to help the victim and address the problem. If false, it would hold false reporters accountable, too. However, reports do not have to be public. As you call out, that would lead to a possibility of retribution from the bully.
I'd love to see where you go with this! What about an additional feature that gives kudos to friends who don't stand by when they see bullying, but instead stand up for others?
Any report of bullying would have to be investigated, so I'd suggest that reports shouldn't be anonymous. The investigation would determine if the report was true or false. If true, it would allow teachers to help the victim and address the problem. If false, it would hold false reporters accountable, too. However, reports do not have to be public. As you call out, that would lead to a possibility of retribution from the bully.
I'd love to see where you go with this! What about an additional feature that gives kudos to friends who don't stand by when they see bullying, but instead stand up for others?
Amazing work, Bully Beater team! You've created a project around an important issue, and did a fantastic job outlining your work with your video. The storytelling of your project in your video is great — it was so easy to follow along, see the choices you made and why, and learn more about your ideas.
I'm wondering what happens after bullies are reported? Does the notified teacher set up a way for students to resolve their issues in a safe and restorative way? This might help with the question of "fake" reporting, and put more of an emphasis on resolving disputes.
Overall you've done a wonderful job of identifying a serious issue and creating a solution that you clearly care about. With superb storytelling! Well done :)
I'm wondering what happens after bullies are reported? Does the notified teacher set up a way for students to resolve their issues in a safe and restorative way? This might help with the question of "fake" reporting, and put more of an emphasis on resolving disputes.
Overall you've done a wonderful job of identifying a serious issue and creating a solution that you clearly care about. With superb storytelling! Well done :)
Good job picking an important and relatable issue. I have some questions around keeping things anonymous and how reports would be handled but overall it’s a great idea!
I enjoyed your presentation and hearing more about your process and, if you keep at it, I would leave to see more detailed designs.
I enjoyed your presentation and hearing more about your process and, if you keep at it, I would leave to see more detailed designs.
Feedback from the Community:
Ms. Sepulveda 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from Staten Island NY
I love the idea behind this! I have a question, is there a guard/protection that would ensure that students cannot falsely accuse another of bullying?
Live the presentation and effects!
Live the presentation and effects!
Mr. Thayer 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from Staten Island
This is such a great idea! I love to see students advocating for a safer, bully-free environment! I do wonder if there is a way to avoid fake reporting?
Haram 👏 a Middle School Student from New York
its nice, helps people that deal with being bullied
Ms. Mulvihill 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from Staten Island, NY
I love the concept and design. This is an awesome tool to address bullying!