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“Attack finder”

Creators: kevin, nijaiah, omari , kahyeir
High School Students from Newark School of Data Science and Information Technology
Type of Project:
  • Product Development,
  • UX/UI Design,
  • Visual Art & Design
Themes of Project:
  • Culture/Heritage,
  • Immigration,
  • Public Safety
Screenshot 1

About this Project:

The app that we are making is going to be a app that informs people of the amount of terrorist attacks that occurred in the area or place that their in. This app will work to keep family's safe from terrorist attacks when it comes to traveling and more.

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Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Innovation Designer at IBM — Emoti-Con Judge
Wonderful concept! This is a powerful and tangible idea with real potential for impact. Your presentation shows that you’ve done work to understand the surrounding impact of terrorism, on both a perception and consequential level. As for next steps, much of your research surrounds the people’s perception and understanding of terrorism. I wonder if that’s an additional avenue to explore in terms of educating and providing resources since you’ve already laid some groundwork in this sub-domain. Excited to see where this project takes your team!

👏 Technology Product Manager at Trust for the National Mall — Emoti-Con Judge
This project is a very thoughtful assessment of the problem! Your solution was innovative and interesting. I studied religious terrorism and have been personally affected by it, so your project moved me on a personal level. Thank you for tackling this topic and for working on a solution.

👏 Director, Strategic Projects at Comply — Emoti-Con Judge
Congratulations on some great work! You built a strong foundation for the project by diligently evaluating the problem, presenting telling data and evidence to underscore the problem at hand. You then clearly and concisely communicated the goals of your app.

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