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“The Voluntary Teens”

Creators: Nabir, Hamida, Srimon, Christian, John and Sabina
High School Students from CS4ALL NYC
Type of Project:
  • UX/UI Design
Themes of Project:
  • Other
Screenshot 2023 05 17 9 09 35 AM

About this Project:

The Voluntary Teens is the name of the app we have designed to assist our community by providing volunteer opportunities for teenagers. In turn, these teenagers who participate gain the community service hours required to graduate. There is a lack of community service in recent years. Students also struggle with gaining community service hours which are required in order for them to graduate. It’s challenging enough to find volunteering opportunities these years, we want to make it easier for them as much as possible. We believe our app would create a win-win situation, where the students receive their community service hours by giving back to the community.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Design lead at IBM — Emoti-Con Judge
Overall great job- I really liked your visual design. It looks very polished and I love that you built a prototype so we could fully experience it. I would think critically about why teens aren't participating in community service. It might be hard finding opportunities but I would ask why that is? Is it because of the time these opportunities occur and they conflict with school? Do teens not find the opportunities interesting? Do they not see the value? Answering these questions by talking to other teens and ideating on the insights will help you develop a really compelling product that can change behavior. Great job and keep it up!

👏 Digital Strategy Specialist at HP Inc. — Emoti-Con Judge
Hi, Team!
What an important topic, and what a great opportunity for students to gain the community service hours required for graduation! Excellent choice! Congratulations on your human-centered topic that you're going to address with the 'The Voluntary Teens' app. 👏🏼📲👏🏼
You've done a remarkable job presenting your project as a team. While navigating your app, I felt as though I was using a real app on my mobile phone - congrats on the harmonious design, the color choices, and the balance and sizing of the sections. Wow! I can't wait to use a real prototype! MIT provides an excellent resource, the App Inventor (https://appinventor.mit.edu/), which could be highly beneficial for first-time app developers. I encourage you to explore it and keep growing! Moving from design to technology could be a great opportunity to expand your knowledge. Understand how developers use designs and code them, and if it's not possible to code... iterate and modify the design to achieve the final outcome: the functional app!
I encourage you all to delve deeper into the world of digital solutions design. Your design is super cool, and you've already used Figma (which my UX/UI team uses), so you're experts ready to level up! One valuable resource that can aid in your continued learning is https://m3.material.io/. Incorporating this knowledge into your work will undoubtedly elevate your designs. ✌😉
Remember to pay close attention to copyright laws. To avoid potential infringement issues, consider using royalty-free images. Websites like Pexels (https://www.pexels.com/) offer a vast collection of high-quality photos that you can use freely. 👀🤓 The images you've used are high-quality, fresh, and transport the user into the experience!
Considering the integration of third-party sign-in options like Facebook and Google simplifies user account creation and login - well done! I recommend you also integrate Apple access, as a significant percentage of the population uses Apple devices (you have used the iPhone 14 design framework in your proposal) . 📲
It's worth noting that usage patterns and demands can vary significantly across different age groups. For instance, younger demographics, particularly teens and those under 30, often appreciate platform integration with social media. Therefore, consider linking your app services and news updates to popular social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram. This could increase engagement among this demographic by keeping them informed and connected with your volunteer opportunities! 😉 A partnership with schools and high schools, including their logos in your app, could increase engagement too.
Customer-centric solutions pay a lot of attention to user engagement and notifications. You might want to define the notifications flow in your app and within the community! Examples could include in-app messages and in/out-app pop-ups.
All features are intuitively appealing, catering to the unique needs and preferences of all your users. Always stay customer and user-centric! 👍
I hope these suggestions inspire you to continue enhancing your project.
I would like to reiterate my heartfelt congratulations on your outstanding achievement. You should take immense pride in being the designers behind 'The Voluntary Teens'. Keep up the excellent work!
Envision your users experiencing the energy and dynamism you've infused into this app. As creators, your work embodies previously unimagined innovation and captivating design!
Keep up the fantastic work. Your unbridled creativity and determination are a beacon of inspiration to the community! The digital world moves super fast... as do designers, coders, and programmers!
Thanks and congratulations! 👏🏼📲 👏🏼'

Thank you for your support! Comments are closed for this year. Join us to look forward to next year's projects!