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Creators: Zi Jie, Vincent, Kenny
High School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT)
Type of Project:
  • Engineering,
  • Game Design,
  • UX/UI Design
Themes of Project:
  • Community Advocacy,
  • Environment/Sustainability,
  • Mental Health
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About this Project:

Our project is designed to address the problem of pollution, but specifically human waste pollution such as food, plastic, metals, etc.

We started this project when we figured out that our future lives and generations rely on the Earth’s sustainability. Littering, and the low recycling percentage from NYC alone, shows that there has to be something that has to be done.

We’ve searched around to see if there are any projects or communities revolving around such issues stated above, and found that it's either overlooked or rather small and volunteer based. Projects like “Keep America Beautiful” (https://kab.org/) and subreddits like r/DeTrashed (https://www.reddit.com/r/DeTra...) shows that such goals can be achieved.

The main goal and problem we decided to tackle is the motivation of continuing with recycling and being mindful of their waste outputs, with stuff like leaderboards, competitions, and in the future if it was possible, government/community organized “de-trashing marathons” and the such.

Project Media


Screenshot 2


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