“Help The Sea Animals”
Creators: Jasmine
High School Students from Thomas A. Edison Career & Technical High School
Themes of Project:
- Animal Rights,
- Resource Sharing

About this Project:
“Help the sea animals” addresses the amount of garbage in the water and how all the garbage is affecting the sea animals that live in the ocean. There is so much garbage in the water that all the animals get caught in it or eat it. All the garbage in the water is causing much of the sea life to die and suffer. I wanted to create a game that showed people that animals are trapped in the garbage and how we can all do something about it. If I could build this app the user would have to try and free as many sea animals as they can from all the garbage.
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Community Feedback:
Great Design
Makes Me Think
Feedback from the Judges:
Using a game to get across a social message was really smart, well done. I think if you could work with an aquarium or influencers to get the game out there a little more it could have an even greater impact. Nice work
I am so impressed with seeing this project topic regarding sea life and littering. It is a topic that could use much more awareness around it. Your creative thinking in putting a game together to use interactively to raise awareness is outstanding. I would recommend going a few steps further by sharing how people can help stop the unnecessary and avoidable sea life deaths by recycling (and perhaps what items can and should be recycled), how important it is to cut the plastic rings that hold soda cans, etc. together (given these can get caught around the neck of mammals, causing death). Overall, excellent job in your thought process for your project. Keep making a difference for our sea life!
Great idea to create an engaging game for people to understand the effects of pollution on sea animals! It really illustrates the importance of cutting can holders and recycling plastics. Next steps could be to have a page with specific actions that could be taken to cut down on plastics that affect sea animals. There could also be an advocacy page that links to organizations trying to save sea animals as well as decreasing micro plastics and harmful plastics in the earth's waters.
Your genuine concern for the well-being of these animals and your desire to make a difference is inspiring. Your app raises awareness about the problem and engages users in freeing sea animals from the garbage. It is creative and engaging. One suggestion for improvement would be to provide more specific details about how the app will raise awareness beyond the gameplay aspect. Maybe showing pictures of real-world damage? Keep up the great work! Your dedication to protecting sea animals is truly admirable!
Feedback from the Community:
Careshma R 👏 a High School Student
I think that this is a good idea as well as useful and fun. I also like the designs :)
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