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Creators: Elianny, Emanuel, Jeter and Edgar
High School Students from Thomas A. Edison Career & Technical High School
Type of Project:
  • UX/UI Design
Themes of Project:
  • Community Advocacy,
  • Other

About this Project:

Our project/ app idea was designed for the sole purpose to help individuals who suffer from addiction recover, specifically those with substance issues. When our group first got together we first decided to tackle the idea of racial Injustice. We later abandoned this idea because it was much too big of a problem to combat, one app can't fix a problem that exists on a systemic level. While making the prototype our team had trouble agreeing on the final components.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Senior Product Manager at Range — Emoti-Con Judge
I think it's great you decided to look into this subject and interviewed family for research in an important subject. I liked how you have all details of doctors and specialists. It would be great to see how you can expand the app for further features to help addicts!

👏 IT Infrastructure Support at ArcherPoint — Emoti-Con Judge
There's a lot of stigma surrounding addiction. Thank you for shedding some light on this very difficult topic. I would have loved to see an option/button of someone can assist someone who maybe is in trouble. Not many people know what to do besides call 911. Learning how to help could potentially save lives. Overall I think you guys did a great job in looking for way to help those who maybe incapable of helping themselves

👏 Associate Partner - AI & Automation at IBM — Emoti-Con Judge
The topic you picked is a global problem, from developed to underdeveloped nations. Thanks for trying to help on this
The app that you propose would be great help, specially with the Doctor contacts that are readily available. It would be great to have additional features around self-help, invoking the emotions of the addicts along with providing medical help. Remember, the addicts are trying to get a high, and we always express highest emotions at the times of joy or fear.
This is a great start, and it can go a long way with right analysis on problem and solutions.

👏 Product Operations Principal Engineer at Dell — Emoti-Con Judge
Hi Elianny, Emanuel, Jeter and Edgar,

Thank you for working on such a difficult topic in a meaningful manner; it is incredibly courageous of you to dive into this topic and work towards an analysis to create a meaningful app, with tailored solutions.
As another judge mentioned, There is a lot of stigma surrounding addiction and there is so much ground to cover with empathy and sensitivity towards the users and their loved ones/ their circles. Your idea is a great start and your interviews of people having suffered from the devastating effect, the medical professionals supporting you in your research, I find your approach truly inspirational, as you immersed yourself while working towards a solution, with an innovative mindset. Bravo !
Your idea is a great start and you did an incredible job on your slides presentation.
I would like to see how your work evolves in the future, perhaps features offering self help as someone already mentioned, perhaps drafted from the medical professionals you approached.
Create access to a wider range of resources accessible from your app.
Maybe add a simple button - click here for immediate help - leading to a live call to a professional or help line; this is just an idea.
Congratulations on your work as a team and your concept, I can't wait to see what you do next.

Feedback from the Community:

Ameera 👏 a High School Student
Your app would be very helpful! Esp. since its online, people might not be afraid to talk about their situation. :)

Thank you for your support! Comments are closed for this year. Join us to look forward to next year's projects!