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Creators: Sahteve and Jasmin
High School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ Academy for Conservation and the Environment
Type of Project:
  • Other
Themes of Project:
  • Food Justice,
  • Physical Health,
  • Resource Sharing
Screenshot 2023 05 17 9 05 16 PM

About this Project:

My name is Jasmin and my partner's name is Sahteve. We want to introduce our new upcoming app called Boombloom. Boombloom is an online Instacart app that makes it easier and more efficient to deliver/pick up fresh produce from our hydroponic lab in our classroom. Our app was inspired by the fact that we noticed a sharp rise in unhealthy eating practices in our neighborhood. Learning that we can grow these fresh fruits and vegetables in our hydroponic lab and not be able to distribute them to our community to encourage them to adopt healthier lifestyles bothers us. So we came up with the idea that this app could be the tool through which we distribute the produce we make in our class. When coming up with this app, we thought about how we will conduct a productive and orderly fashion way of distribution. Our app offers multiple subscription plans, each of which has special advantages. Our app also includes daily announcements of what we have to offer throughout the week. The list of plants we grow in our Hydroponic Lab are: Basil -Sorrel Cabbage-Amarant - thyme - pepper -kale -tomatoes, and many more. Our app additionally includes personal contact with the seller and updates on the plants that we grow for those special subscribers. The fun doesn't end there; over your birthday week, our volunteers will assist by conducting surveys to determine what plants and other items you enjoy having in your home. Once we have all of your information, we will use it to create a customized basket that includes a brochure on how to prepare healthy meal plans and how to cater to your new pet plants. You can easily see when we will be harvesting our plants and germination new ones using the app's calendar, which is easily accessible. Ordering is made simpler by this feature, and you can be sure to get the plants you want. In the end, we hope our app has changed your perspective on eating healthy and not having an excuse to consume unhealthy food such as any fast food restaurant.

Project Media


Screenshot 2023 05 17 10 02 57 PM



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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Digital Sales Graduate at Hewlett Packard Enterprise — Emoti-Con Judge
The concept is great! I love how you made it personal to what you've noticed in your community and you aim to tackle the issue hands on by growing your own produce.

👏 SAP Functional Consultant / Computer programmer / Translator at Inetum Portugal — Emoti-Con Judge
I believe that the project has enough added value to be able to provoke change and have the social impact that the creators want. It has a very interesting image and I really appreciate the diversity of formats that you have made available for the evaluation and contact with your work to take place in a more complete way. The idea is quite good and, if it is followed by more people, we will manage to transform several local initiatives into a larger national initiative, which is significant. If the app could have some more extra features that can help users better educate themselves and receive the best possible information about healthy food, that would be great. However, the impact has been already notified and the work was very good.

Feedback from the Community:

Brianna 👏 a High School Student from NYC
I liked this app. You took into consideration unhealthy eating habits and found a nice solution to help them out.

Thank you for your support! Comments are closed for this year. Join us to look forward to next year's projects!