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“Wheel of Eating”

Creators: Luke, Vyas, Adam, and Danil
High School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ New Dorp High School
Helping Local Restaurants Logo

About this Project:

Our project helps local restaurants/businesses that were affected by issues such as COVID. We came up with this idea by using things we saw around us. We noticed that during COVID, businesses were having a difficult time staying open. We wanted to resolve this issue, so we asked our classmates and family members for their thoughts on this issue. We wanted to use our prior knowledge and other peoples’ preferences to add features to make the app presentable and accessible.

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Wheelof Eating


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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Director of Programs at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
This is a great app! I'm really impressed by the research that went into creating a survey and your dedication to helping local restaurants! I think that the ability to have a random restaurant suggested! This is an impactful design and you've thought through a lot of the user experience. Great work!

👏 Growth and Partnerships Manager at Wix Education — Emoti-Con Judge
I LOVE THIS IDEA!! UNREAL! SO many restaurants suffered during Covid-19, and are still struggling, and this will directly solve the problem! I really love the addition of being able to see restaurant reviews and average pricing. It is extremely innovative and engaging. A great addition would be offering incentives to eat at restaurants that are REALLY struggling more than most.

👏 Product and Business Strategy Lead, Analytics at Google — Emoti-Con Judge
Great job highlighting user surveys and interviews to inform your app design decisions. That's a great start to user-centered design. I really appreciated that the app allows users to put in their food preferences, or just spin the wheel if they want to be surprised. Additionally, I really liked showing the costs of food to users.

Overall great job on using user-centered practices to inform your design and build an app that helps make the difference in the local restaurant community, particularly as it's been negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic

Feedback from the Community:

Tina 👏 a High School Student from NY-HS
It's really great that you want to alleviate the burden on local businesses! While the random spinner is exciting for trying different places, the user preferences for foods is super helpful. Best of luck executing the app!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.