“Trailblazers Throughout History”

About this Project:
Trailblazers Throughout History is an interactive application that allows the user to learn more of women of the past and present whose actions and contributions led to what modern day society is today. Women have made significant contributions to their cultures throughout history. Some are well-known, while others are not, yet they have all been pioneers to what society is today. It highlights issues that these impactful and icon women faced, fought for and achieved. Within the application it also highlights prevailing issues within society today as it relates to the issues that these revolutionaries fought for throughout their lifetime.
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Community Feedback:
Feedback from the Judges:
I would love to learn more about your design process: where did you start? How did you iterate? What inspired the different features of the app? I'm also so curious about where all of this super interesting information is from.
I truly hope you develop this app — we need more engaging ways to learn about inspiring women in history!
Feedback from the Community:
Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.