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“Titan Education”

Finalist: Best Pitch
Creators: Sutton, Thomas, Matthew, Nik, Jayden, Ivan, and Jerry
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ College Point Collaborative
Untitled drawing

About this Project:

Modern education apps are too convoluted. Titan Education will make the education experience more fluent for both teachers and students. We combined all necessary features into Titan Education. Our goal while making this is to encourage classroom members to communicate and learn together, even remotely.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Sr. Product Manager, Z-Team at Tinder — Emoti-Con Judge
Sutton, Thomas, Matthew, Nik, Jayden, Ivan, and Jerry have done a great job identifying a space for social impact, and have done so in a very thoughtful and wildly entertaining way. The presentation was a great blend of Breaking Bad fan service (thank you!) and astute observations about the deficiencies of modern education apps. The walkthrough of the designs was clear and thorough, and demonstrated a simple way for students to stay on top of their tasks while also allowing teachers to directly interface with them. I think that one thing that could help set your app apart is to show how one of the other popular education apps aren’t user-friendly, and how this app is solving those problems. Other than that, I can totally see how this would be useful, and certainly wished I had something like this for myself when I was in school.

I think that this app could be a great jumping off point for exploring how teachers and students could stay connected, as well as keep them on track towards certain goals. For example, in the student profile, could you connect students with similar interests? Could you place a flag on your profile saying that you’re looking for a study partner for a particular subject? Could you have students set goals on their profiles and have a goal tracker towards those goals? For example, if someone wanted to make honor roll, could there be a feature that says “You need to get at least a B in Math and History in order to get onto the honor roll”? Or if you’re in high school, you could put in your top college choices, and have a tracker that logs your likelihood of getting in based on your current aggregate GPA? Perhaps a teacher could get an alert if a student is in danger of not reaching those goals, and can provide extra assistance? There are so many opportunities for growth (depending on the direction you want to take it next), and what the team has laid out here sets a great foundation for building on the tools to help students succeed.

I really like the practicality of this idea, and it could certainly be a game-changer for those students who have so many external responsibilities to school that it can be hard to keep up. In thinking about those students, I think there is definitely the opportunity for social change and lifting those students up. Keep up the good work!

👏 Product Manager at RIA in a Box — Emoti-Con Judge
Hi team - amazing job! Your meticulous wireframes demonstrate your skills on Figma and your abilities as designers. You skillfully used color, logos, and fonts that make your application intuitive and straightforward.

I love how you selected a topic immediately relevant to you as students: Education. By doing so, you were able to leverage your own experiences and difficulties to construct a solution to would positively impact you, your classmates, and your teachers. In designing an education application for mobile, I'd be interested in learning more about what students and teachers would like to complete 'on-the-go' with a mobile application and what they may want to continue doing on computers or tablets. With those computer applications, how would your application interact or integrate? For example, let's say students will continue to want to write essays or complete other assignments on their computer. How would that work than be uploaded into your mobile application? Would you want to integrate with Google Drive or One Drive? Or what about creating website or other desktop platform? As another future research initiative, I'd be interested to hear from students and teachers from other schools to see if this application would be appealing for them. This would assure that your building a tool with wide application and scalability.

Overall, incredible job! You identified an immense and difficult problem and used your critical thinking and design skills to built a super cool and practice solution. Kudos to the team!

👏 Engineer Of Things at Power Home Remodeling — Emoti-Con Judge
Great app! This is also totally possible to build using the open APIs most education apps have. I can see how it could streamline a students life as they would use the app all the way through college!

👏 Software Engineering Tech Lead at Google — Emoti-Con Judge
Great teaser video and presentation! It sounds like you did a bunch of market research to understand the pain points for your prospective users, and that you put a lot of thought into the graphic design and the feature set. This was a really professional-looking product design and you have a lot of detail on the features it would provide and how to organize the flow in an intuitive way. I like that you have thought through critical feature enhancements such as getting notifications about upcoming assignments.

One thought I had is that you could take this a step further and incorporate a homework scheduling system into the app. Projects might have time estimates and students could update it with their progress. In the calendar they could indicate how much time they are budgeting for homework each day, and the system could create a work schedule for them that helps them figure out that they had better start on that long-term project today because they are going to be busy with other things for the next few days. Anyway, just throwing ideas out there for how you could build on your initial design to make this a really killer app for students and teachers.

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from College Point
I feel this project was by far the one that was executed professionally. Great points and ideas. Love the logo
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Queens
Awesome work kids.
👏 a Community Member from 11356
This project wows me. Love it
Debra Bjelke 👏 a Community Member from College Point, NY
Awesome job! Very talented kids! Very educated.
👏 a Middle School Student
I like your thumbnail
Tracy Dunn 👏 a Community Member
It’s great to see the students interact with each to create a GREAT APP. Keep up the GREAT WORK. You guys did amazing good luck
Anne 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from NY/FL
Great job to see all their hard work.
Mom 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from College Point
A very professional and creative design set out to help all parties involved. Absolutely amazing!!! Extremely Proud of these young people!
Keith Coffey 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Queens
Fantastic job !!!! Flawless from start to finish.
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
This is the best work so far and ihope titan education wins!
Alex 👏 a Middle School Student
This is the best design I send so far!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.