About this Project:
My project was inspired by the lack of mental health care for minorities and focuses on connecting with our users to better enhance their experience with the app.
The app was first supposed to be just a normal mental health app that supplies you with mental health tips but soon evolved into more of a mentoring app, guiding you through the hard and good parts of your life.
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Feedback from the Judges:
Moving on to the app itself, your project provides a great way to engage with mental health services while still asserting individuality. Your users can choose their level of engagement with the software through the many options for personalization, like the different 'plans' you showcased. This is so helpful to those who might be nervous about seeking help, or experiencing the stigma around addressing mental health concerns. Fantastic work, I can't wait to see where this goes and what you contribute to this community!
I can feel how the app really takes the individual into consideration and the way it customizes the experience for them is both unique and I think really important. Giving folks the option to find support from therapists within their racial/ethnic/religious/sexual-orientation community I think makes the app accessible to many more people in a way that can be nurturing and fruitful. In particular I like how the app goes a bit into the space of life couching by connecting to google classroom and offers school support in addition to offering references for classes for creative and personal development which can enhance both life enjoyment and career. Overall this is a really thoughtful and well designed app that I hope to see in the app store.
A few thoughts and questions: I found myself curious about what DEPI means, or stands for, or if it's just a name. I also am curious how you plan to make it free. Given your sensitivity to the needs of your users I imagine you would not sell their information in order to turn a profit, which leaves advertising or funding from grants and foundations etc. If the former is not available then I think it's important to in some way make sure that the advertising is somehow in integrity with the app and the individual using it. Lastly, I found the design easy to navigate, both playful and calming in the colors and patterns, but occasionally hard to read text over some of the more dynamic background images/patterns. If you further develop this I'd recommend making a few minor adjustments there.
Super awesome!! Be proud of this work. I wish you all the best with both this and future projects.
Feedback from the Community:
Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.