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“The Daily Economy”

Creators: Nathaniel and Jiaxin
High School Students from Thomas A. Edison Career & Technical High School
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About this Project:

This project identifies the problems with inflation in this project we created a wire frame, ghost school game, and a prototype (It takes a while to load the prototype on Wix). We came up with our idea to help people as our families had experienced inflation, and we want others to know more about inflation and the methods to stop it. Our idea has evolved though our solutions as we had 3 solutions and chose one to use and elaborate on. Our project has a wireframe and prototype made from Figma our project also works as a stock information app, If we could code it, the project would be an app that users could interact with and have live information on current stock prices and information.

Project Media


The Daily Economy


More About this Project

Our first link is our Figma link featuring our prototype our wireframe was there originally, but we deleted it and replaced it with the prototype. Our second link is our timeline giving us information of major events on inflation. Our third link is an image of our wireframe and original idea.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Director of Learning Design at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
You all have obviously done a lot of hard work on this project! The Wix site about inflation is really well designed. I love the idea of helping understand what inflation is and how it works - it is a confusing but important subject matter.
The Figma design for the stocks is also impressive and could definitely be a useful tool for people. I would love to see these two concepts tied together - maybe an app or website that takes common financial issues that most people find confusing and overwhelming like, like inflation, stocks, etc, and explains them in a way that everyone understands.
Great work on both the concept and design and implementation! This is important work! Keep it up.

👏 Creative Director at Godling Studio — Emoti-Con Judge
Super innovative way to present complicated information! Love the public input of "Stock posts" on the app prototype, crowdsourced, social, finance has recently been gaining traction as a cool way to explore finance. The prototypes are also very advanced in their general sensibility of design, so great job there!

👏 Director of Program Performance at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
You've hit on an important and timely topic! Learning about inflation – what it is, how it changes, and how it impacts our daily lives – is great content for an app. Creating something that would help individuals understand and plan for inflation (at the grocery store, the gas pump, etc), would have a wide reach. The second idea, of a stock watcher app, might be interesting to tie in, but I encourage you to think about how your app would be different from other stock apps. Pushing forward on the inflation app could really set you apart! Great job!

Feedback from the Community:

Henry 👏 a High School Student from Francis Lewis High School
Best website I've ever seen. Very informative about the daily economy. Also VERY HELPFUL.
Michael 👏 a High School Student from TAEHS
Learned about the economy and inflation
Alex 👏 a High School Student from Bayside High School
Design with the prototype is creative. This website explores ideas that are both original and effective against inflation. This project has professional standards and has realistic, genuine goals in diluting the economy.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.