“Subjects of the Mind”

About this Project:
The problem we are trying to address is that mental health isn’t seen as important by some people which needs to change.
We made this project in order to bring awareness towards mental illness and those who suffer from it. We discuss the struggles of mental illnesses and things that we can do to help. We came up with this idea because there are so many people who struggle with mental illness every single day, and we should work towards bringing awareness to this problem that affects people world wide.
We thought of a problem that most people experience, which is mental health. People's mental health has been decreasing and affecting people in everyday activities. With this informative website, we are trying to bring awareness to those who suffer from mental health issues and tell others how they might be affected by bad mental health and how they can try to get better.
Our project is mostly information, they can learn about it and learn to get better or how to get better. We talk about some feelings you might feel and how to properly react to those feelings, such as what action.
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