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Finalist: Most Innovative
Creators: Jen, Olivia, and Fiona.
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) at IS 75 Frank D. Paulo
Stop bullying

About this Project:

Our app STOPBULLYING addresses the issue of bullying. We started with interviewing people, telling us what they would like in an app. Then it evolved to a drawing on a post-it, and evolved into a wireframe on paper, to a functioning google slides like-app. The slides work like an app that doesn’t reset, or change. This is the final version of our app (the google slides presentation). Our project works like a finalized app except for the part that it doesn't reset or change and that it’s a google slides presentation.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 UX Designer at Freelance — Emoti-Con Judge
Wow, I really like the idea of helping bullying victims pay for their mental health therapy! I think this idea could be a game changer for a lot of people, not just bullying victims, as I know many patients struggle to pay their medical bills.

I suggest promoting the donation part of your app more. This important idea could use an introduction, maybe with some data. You could also include testimonials from victims who have been helped by talking to a therapist. Hearing these success stories might convince potential donors to complete the donation process.

All in all, great job pitching, and nice to see you included features (like the daily quote in the kids’ version) that came from user feedback and testing. This will hopefully keep users (kids) coming back, excellent user engagement!

👏 Senior Product Manager at Range — Emoti-Con Judge
I really liked this app. You thought a lot about the user experience but clearly also about different personas who visit your app. I really liked how you gave the option to donate or find a therapist. We succeed at solving problems when working together and you made an effort to be a part of the community. I could see this as an actual app today in the app store and would recommend it.

👏 Sr. UX Designer at Providence Healthcare — Emoti-Con Judge
Hi Fiona, Jen, and Oliva... my first impression of your app? Much respect from someone who designs and codes user interfaces for a living! I'm impressed with how much thought you all put into the whole user experience. From the clear and easy to use information architecture (navigation)... to the strategy for solving the bullying problem (get help feature)... to how you planned on iteration in the future (design thinking!) by getting feedback (idea box, wonderful wording!)... and how you listened to user research to inform your content strategy (implementing a fun quote of the day feature).

You all crushed the process of identifying a problem and coming up with a sticky MVP (minimum viable product) to get users hooked while trying to make the world a better place. I love it.

I wonder about a few things. First, having the donation closer to the top versus the bottom. While I get you can do more with more money, it might send the wrong tone to users. Speaking from experience, having the get help button at the top might suggest to users that it is indeed the most important feature. Whether they have this thought or it is just a feeling to them.

Second, how does the user journey for finding help work exactly? As an adult user, what happens after I fill out the form? Does the form get sent to someone who reviews it and replies to me via email? Or through the app's messaging system? And if I click the meet a therapist link, where does that take me? To a screen where I can filter and pick a therapist? What about insurance? Something to think about since not all therapists can accept all insurances and it would probably upset users if the app paired them with a therapist who stuck them with a three figured bill ($100+). :)

I love the idea of a diary background for the journal. Though I'm not sure how practical it is space-wise to type thoughts in that space. Perhaps using horizontal lines like Apple Notes would still give the feeling of writing in a diary while giving the user more space to express themselves.

One final note, you were the first project that gave me context as to where the user would start their journey. I thought that was pretty cool to show a smartphone home screen and the app's launch icon. I would have loved to see how you all thought about getting users to download your app... the summary and screenshots of your app in the Apple App Store or Google Play.

I feel like you three learned a ton designing this app and think the sky's the limit for your futures. Keep on building, testing, failing fast, pivoting, and growing as designers, entrepreneurs, and philanthropists!

Feedback from the Community:

👏 a Community Member from Staten Island NY
Great job!!
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
What a great way to use technology to stop bullying as it is so prevalent in actual bullying
👏 a College Representative from USA
I loved the whole thing especially when she talked about people that talk behind your belong behind you. It gets better.
Vlad 👏 a Community Member from Brooklyn
Very well thought idea. Great job!
Donna C. 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Staten Island, NY
It’s a great app which I believe will be a great tool for children especially being bullied. A wonderful resource to be used by all. A lot of thought went into preparing this app.
Ibelka Buoninfante 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Staten Island
I’m so glad and happy you guys are doing this and we are to support.
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
This sounds like a great app
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from New York
Great work!
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
Great idea ladies!! This could potentially help so many people!
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from NYC
What a great concept! Love it!
William 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
Love the journal idea. Have you guys ever thought about integrating this app with some of the popular social media apps to create awareness to stop bullying?
👏 a Technology Professional
This is such a great concept that will bring more awareness to others, a helpful tool for those who do not have a platform to voice their issues, as well as such a creative project to learn how to get started in the UI/UX industry!
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from NY
Love the idea. We need this In today’s world. Great job!
👏 a Teacher and/or Educator
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
This is such a great idea. Bullying is such a serious issue and should be highlighted!
amani 👏 a Middle School Student
it was really nice and since this happens a-lot its helpful
Adi 👏 a High School Student from Kansas City
Just brilliant! We really need something like this in our world- bullying is no joke, so this would be amazing to prevent and stop bullying for good! Wonderful job!!
Matea 👏 a Community Member
This is a great idea!! Excited to see it in action.
👏 a Community Member
👏🏼 This is great!
Ant 👏 a Community Member from NJ
Excellent work! Well done!
Jimmy 👏 a Community Member from NYC
This is such a great idea with such a powerful purpose. Bullying is terrible yet it continues to persist at all ages. It's fantastic that this idea includes both adults and children.

The idea box is a great method to engage with the community and to possibly gather feedback directly from the people who might be suffering from bullying. This gives them a pathway to suggest things that they may not otherwise voice. Another important aspect of this project is its awareness of the importance of therapy. I love that detail.

"Wireframe on paper", the precursor to thoughtful UI/UX design. Excited to see where this all goes. Fantastic job!
Phyllis Witte 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from Brooklyn NY
Absolutely brilliant and much, much needed. Thank you for making a difference in this world.
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
Susan 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from Brooklyn
This is a really smart way to address the issue of bullying, well done!
Rich 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator
Great job 👏
Christina 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Staten Island
Great job! Love the design . All bullying should stop.
👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
This is a great idea
👏 a Community Member from Brooklyn
This a great idea and really fitting for the current times.
Carlo 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Connecticut
Great job!
LBC 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Staten Island, NY
This is wonderful! Great job! Let's end bullying once and for all!!!
Stephanie 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Guilford Ct
Great job!
Rudy 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Holmdel Nj
Great job, well done, keep up the good work...
👏 a Community Member
Great job at tackling an ongoing issue! The daily quotes add a nice, encouraging touch to the app. Would love to see this develop further.
Fay 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Brooklyn
🔥this is an amazing project.. great job
Debbie 👏 a Community Member from Brooklyn
👏 great job
Debra 👏 a Community Member from Brooklyn technical high school
👏 amazing.
David 👏 a Community Member from Brooklyn, NY
Love this!! Keep it going 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Rachel 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from Brooklyn
Great work! And a great idea!
Victoria 👏 a Community Member
Great project idea to tackle bullying 👏🏻
Eliza 👏 a Community Member from Brooklyn
I especially like the journaling option and idea box. I really do see this app as a modern way to tackle this ongoing issue. Great job!!! 👏👏👏
Luna 👏 a Community Member
Nice ✨️
👏 a Middle School Student from ms88
I really love how you you put your effort into this really issue!
👏 a Community Member
What a great idea! Love this!!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.