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Finalist: Most Innovative
Creators: Zariah, Aleemah, Lisa, Ashley, and Samantha
Middle School Students from STEM from Dance
Screen Shot 2022 05 05 at 12 28 11 PM

About this Project:

This project was created by a group of students who wanted to showcase the cyclic nature of seasons and how it represents important stages of life.
Each season has a parallel to various stages of life, Spring is growth, Summer is peak, Fall is aging and Winter is hibernation. The cycle continues such is the beauty of life!

Project Media


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More About this Project

The video provided is the final result of their animations and choreography that the girls came up with on their own!

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Lead Immersive Designer/ Content Lead at IBM — Emoti-Con Judge
I absolutely LOVE that you all decided to use dance as a form of storytelling! This is a super innovative means to tell a story that I haven't seen in the competition this year. My top suggestion would be to include some information in your pitch on how costuming, set design or additional animations would enhance this story for the audience. I'd love to learn more about how climate change impacts the seasons as well. Overall, I applaud you all for your beautiful choreography and innovative story! Congrats!

👏 Manager & Designer at NERD Escapes — Emoti-Con Judge
Such a fun project to talk about seasons of life and nature! You all seem to love storytelling through dance and this kind of creative media can really engage an audience! Post-production, or when we start video editing, is also a very big part of engaging media. I'd love to see how you could expand on the idea of using animation to help tell your story and accessorize the choreography! Great ideas, and nice job overall!

👏 Creative Director at Godling Studio — Emoti-Con Judge
Very innovative & fun use of mixed media! The song was also well chosen and fit the theme very well. I agree with the other judges that it would be fun to see this concept extrapolated in to other areas :)

👏 Virtual Teacher at Bronx Excellence Charter — Emoti-Con Judge
Well done! Your creativity with the use of mixed media really shines through, and I like the connection of seasons to life phases. I appreciated that the dancers represented a variety of different types. I wonder if you could connect your concept of important life stages with the natural science more with research (for example how your vitamin/nutrient needs change in winter vs. summer) and or provide resources for dance during each season or major stage of life. Thank you for sharing your gift of dancing.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.