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Creators: Sophia, Rosie, and Katelyn
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ PS/IS 187 Hudson Cliffs
Re Read Logo

About this Project:

Our project is to help our community. During the pandemic people couldn't access books. So we created an app that will make it easier. We came up with the idea because we all like reading and there are many more people who love to read to so we wanted our app to be adjustable for everyone.

My group already knew that we wanted to do a reading app. While creating the app we added onto each other's ideas to create the app we have now. Our project works by you logging in or signing up first and then you would have an account and then you would be free to all the books you would like and there is a chat room feature where you can recommend books to other people who are your friends on the app (you do not need to know them in real life) and they are able to do the same. You have easy access to books. There are all these different genres for all ages. There is also a chatroom so you can share your ideas and thoughts on the book.

Many people were not able to go out to libraries during the pandemic and many reading apps you have to pay for and some people cannot afford it so we made our app completely free.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 FP&A Associate, Marketing at Vanguard — Emoti-Con Judge
What a great idea! As an avid reader, I would definitely use this app! I love how it combines reading with the community aspect. I thought all of you did an amazing job with the app mockup, and I could really see this app positively impacting our community and drawing new readers in. Fantastic job!

👏 Youth Services Manager at Saint Paul Public Library, George Latimer Central Branch — Emoti-Con Judge
Librarian here, thank you so much for showing your enthusiasm for reading and learning with the project!
During the pandemic shut-downs, libraries really struggled with ways to engage readers from afar, and using technology to read books electronically is a great solution for when we can't be together in-person. Going forward I'd love to see how your project could integrate into extended activities like book clubs, or connect to other e-reading services offered by different library systems. You've already started to do this through the social aspects of your app, like being able to recommend a book to a friend, or chat about titles you liked. Great job on the interface and encouraging people to keep on reading, us librarians really appreciate it!

👏 IT Infrastructure Support at ArcherPoint — Emoti-Con Judge
A reading app that is more accessible to everyone is a fantastic idea. Having a digital equivalent to my local library would get me to read more as more often than not I would not want to pay for Kindle or Audible subscriptions (and I can definitely see cases where someone can't afford it either). I would extend your chat function to include book-club-type scenarios to connect readers all over the county. I love how you want to encourage readers to read more. Keeping user engagement is very important so it's wonderful to see you thinking about it already. Fantastic job

Feedback from the Community:

Ms. Emel 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from PS/IS 187
What a terrific idea to support reading and readers in our community!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.