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Creators: Luz, Heily, Camila, Isabella, Liliana, Kleyni, and Nashla
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ IS 318
Screen Shot 2022 05 16 at 3 54 32 PM

About this Project:

This project is designed to help the needy in our community. We wanted to help people with food and home insecurity. People who were struggling to clothe or feed themselves.

When we were deciding who and how we would help, we took a view of the community and what seems to mostly be a problem. That’s when we took a vote and decided that we would try to provide what we could to those in need, in shelters. We realized many were in shelters and shelters were in need of more items. We called shelters and asked if they would like us to help and what their needs were and they seemed to appreciate our help since they were in need. There are many in our community that need help including people in our own school so why not help out if we can!

In the app, people in need will request items that they need and we will place them. Or they have an option to review their necessities and seek them out in our app so that we could do what we can to help. The app will have options of clothes, food, hygiene items, and just things that are required. This app is very useful because anyone is able to access it when they need to so it’s not just those in shelters but those that are struggling as well.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Program Manager at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
You did an amazing job with your presentation! You really highlighted your thinking process, especially with mentioning how you were reaching out to shelters first to collect your information. You also did a great job with the visuals of your app. It is simple, clean, and doesn't feel too cluttered. Great job!!

👏 User Experience Designer at Publicis Sapient — Emoti-Con Judge
Excellent work team! I thought this presentation was beautiful and explained the process and design behind your ideas in a succinct manner. The process behind deciding what project to create was well thought out and I appreciated how you looked within your community to solve a problem. The app designs contained all of the important information and I think this could be a really successful app if the team continued to work together on the designs!

👏 Director of Program Performance at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
What an impactful idea and app! Far too often, people who want to help don't know how to do so. I like that your app is for people who are in need and who would like to help, as that could help create a direct line for help. You layout is clean and clear, your images and fonts are welcoming, and the simplicity of the color palette allows people to focus on the donations and support. Well done!

Feedback from the Community:

luz 👏 a Middle School Student from New York
They did nicely on the project and covered all the basics of the questions they were suppose to answer
👏 a Middle School Student from New York
I think its awsome

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.