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“Pet Translator”

Creators: Ruth, Mileena, Yonatan, and Realynne
High School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ High School for Health Careers and Sciences
Screen Shot 2022 05 12 at 1 22 03 PM

About this Project:

Have you ever wanted to communicate with animals?

This app eliminates the language and communication barrier between animals and humans. Our design process was to create something similar to Google translate so it can be easy for users to get around.

We came up with the idea by tossing around the question of what would be needed in our society that can benefit from its development? Pets were the first thing in mind since our team each has some pet that we would like to communicate with.

Our projects works by using the sound waves and tone to determine stress or angst and other emotions in our selected animals voice. Our program uses this to determine what physical words the animal is trying to say by translating it through to the selected language.

Project Media


Screen Shot 2022 04 27 at 1 23 44 PM


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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Manager, Design League & Volunteers at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
Nice job, Ruth, Mileena, Yonatan, and Realynne!
An app to help pet owners understand what their animals truly say is a dreamlike concept that I would want. Your presentation was great! I really enjoyed going through your slides and Figma wireframe. The logo is nice and the app design is clear and easy to navigate.

Something to think about if you would like to continue developing this app is showcasing research done about translating animal sounds to English or other languages. How would your app obtain the animal sounds? There are a few animal translation apps like Google Translate for animals- how is yours different? How does it stand out from the other competitors? Conducting a competitive analysis would help you find features to help your app stand out.
You all did a wonderful job!

👏 Associate Professor at Lehman College / CUNY — Emoti-Con Judge
Cool concept! I think it needs more analysis of how correct it could be or what percentage of the translations are right, etc.. Is there a way to measure this?

👏 Creative Lead Experience Design at Publicis Sapient — Emoti-Con Judge
As a pet owner - I think Pet Translator is a great idea! I'm always wondering what my dog is thinking and feeling. The Figma screens helps with understanding interaction and function. Translating to multiple languages is a great additional feature! Good presentation and storytelling.
A bit more information and research was needed on how this would work to help make this become more plausible, and realistic as an app that could be used today. There's a lot that can be found on machine learning and AI, which could learn from how your animal communicates and could help evolve this project a bit more! I can't wait to download Pet Translator when its complete!!

Feedback from the Community:

Aissaiyah👏 👏 a High School Student from NY
I think this is a great concept since people have been trying to find out what our pets have been saying for years with all types of methods being used.
I think a great addition to this project might be to add someway to see accuracy or someway to improve that through A.I whenever the app does get the translations wrong. There are a lot of translation apps that exist and even when translating human language things tend to get lost in the mix so adding a way to see how well the translation works might be an idea for the future if you continue working on the project. All around I love this idea!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.