“Ocean Pollution Cleanup”

About this Project:
The challenges and issues we talk about are how marine life is negatively affected and the ocean is disturbed by the pollution we humans have caused. Many animals are killed because they get strangled or eat the trash, harming them. We also connect this to how it affects humans because we consume fish that have micro plastic in them because of their eating habits.
Our design process was that we mashed up ideas from our previous projects and created this game with the problem we chose. We first talked to each other about the ideas we had in our mind. It was confusing on what we will decide upon but we overcame it. After this we created a document to put our thoughts and dialogues into and we created a wireframe so there is no confusion between us.
Our projects has a talking sea lion that asks for help to a human for cleaning the ocean. He has many dialogues teaching us about the effects of ocean pollution and trying to convince you to help him. After you start agree to help you are sent under the ocean to clean up it's a whack o mole type game you have to click on the plastic bottle to accumulate points you can also lose points. After a few seconds the game ends and your final points is shown on the screen.
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