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“NYC Crime”

Creators: Jennifer and Jourdan
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ The Walter Crowley Intermediate School
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About this Project:

Our app is designed to help out society with the problems of hospital appointments, and so everyone can get the health care and medical assistance they need.

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Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems at University of the Potomac — Emoti-Con Judge
Very good idea. This application acts as a reminder for doctor's appointments and can be used to notify the patient and doctor of the patient's medical conditions if paired with something like a fit bit. The students have created a wide possibility of uses that are needed today. Good work!!

👏 Youth Services Manager at Saint Paul Public Library, George Latimer Central Branch — Emoti-Con Judge
This project is a great example of seeing a problem in your community and taking action to fix it in an innovative way. The pandemic has, and will continue to shape the way we approach healthcare, and your project shows you are passionate about making sure everyone has access to the services they need. I would be interested to see how your app might address the problem of hospitals that are understaffed, or don't have enough appointments to accommodate users, and how you could use your interface to direct patients to resources they might not otherwise know about.

I especially liked the way you included research from the CDC that demonstrated the problem you were approaching, and used that as a roadmap to point out specific ways your app could help mitigate those effects. It's really helpful to mix your qualitative explanation with some quantitative data!

👏 IT Infrastructure Support at ArcherPoint — Emoti-Con Judge
My first thought reading your project was "I can't believe that this is a design concept by 6th graders and not a real product". I loved how you used real-world data to illustrate the need for such a product. It shows a great understanding of a need in your community and coming up with a solution to aid its people.
Honestly, I've seen businesses do a worse job of explaining their own real-world product than the time and effort you put into creating a pitch for just a concept.
One thing you can address in the future is suggesting alternatives when the user's local hospital is over-capacity and cannot accommodate them (walk-in clinics, private practices etc.) so that your goal of care first can still be met even if the hospital can't see them.
Overall I think you guys did a fantastic job and I wish you the best of luck.

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.