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“News for School”

Creators: Nina, Eliza, Nate, and Juliana
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) @ PS/IS 187 Hudson Cliffs
News for School Logo

About this Project:

Not all people in middle school have a phone to get the app.

From where we started we have come a long way. At first we did news for students personally but now it's for students as well as parents.

It's like google classroom where you have to log in and then you have different topics but the topics are news topics. And the news is not like weather news, it's like after school clubs or events.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 Executive Director of Support - ACCESS at NYC Department of Education — Emoti-Con Judge
Congratulations Team on your idea and presentation. I think your community would really appreciate this app that would help everyone stay informed of what's happening at the school. I wonder if you can expand on the idea and use it as a way to encourage community service or dialogue about important things happening in the neighborhood.

👏 Adjunct Professor, Computer Science and Information Systems at University of the Potomac — Emoti-Con Judge
This app could have the ability to provide connectivity to lesser-cost systems that could be designed to work with such a system, Good work!

👏 Product Manager at RIA in a Box — Emoti-Con Judge
Hi Nina, Eliza, Nate, and Juliana - Thank you for your idea and presentation. I'm sure your project will be very useful to you and your community. I encourage you to explore how this idea may also be used by other schools or institutions. I remember experiencing similar organizational inefficiencies as you all when I was a student and I imagine many other schools have similar experiences. By interviewing students, teachers, and parents at a wide range of schools, you can better understand how this project might be able to scale to other communities. Kudos to you all for some great initial work and I'm excited to see how this project will grow!

👏 IT Infrastructure Support at ArcherPoint — Emoti-Con Judge
Great presentation. I think there is some real-world environmental impact your app could have by turning those newsletters and flyers to digital forms. As a parent having a centralized place for all school-related news, forms, and activities would be immensely helpful. I hope to see this in the PlayStore soon!

Feedback from the Community:

Juliana H. from the "News for School" team 👏 a Middle School Student from New york
Thank you judges for all the kind words for our project. We would love to see this app in the app store. We are so greatfull that you commented on our app and that you chose us out of 10 groups. :) Thank you!!! :)
Brian 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from New York
This would actually be really helpful! As they say, it would help everyone stay "on the same page" -- great idea!
Jacquie 👏 a Community Member from Los Angeles, CA
What a great idea! With all of the busy schedules parents and teachers and students have to juggle, this will be an invaluable resource to help increase participation and decrease stress! Bravo!
Susan 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from New York City
This app is a great way to keep students informed... I think you could also use this app as a parent if you were wondering what clubs were offered, what school lunch was being offered, and/or when your kids have 1/2 days, conference days, or school holidays. It could also be a way for parents to sign off on permission slips, or surveys, making less paper waste...! Great idea, guys.
Ms. Emel 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from PS/IS 187
What a terrific idea!! This would a great tool for our school community!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.