About this Project:
The overall concept of this project is for people to test their knowledge on different NBA teams. They would do this by seeing how well they can identify the NBA team logos. My design process was from a site called code.org I saw a random bird generator where different breeds of birds were displayed and the user had to guess what type f bird was being displayed, so I wanted to do something similar but with NBA teams.
My project works by displaying the various logos and the user will be prompted to select a text box with a variation of 3 different teams and if they choose the right one the screen will display "YOU ARE RIGHT" and if they choose the wrong team it will display "YOU ARE WRONG."
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Feedback from the Judges:
As a next step, I'd encourage you to think about how you would continue to add elements to the game. If your goal is test NBA knowledge, what other types of questions can you ask? One NBA trivia game that I love is https://poeltl.dunk.town/. Check it out for future inspiration!
This app is an excellent ice-breaker at social events and sports clubs. I would personally like to see the women's NBA as part of the game and also be able to play the game in your future prototypes. Incredible job!
Feedback from the Community:
Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.