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WINNER: Best Pitch
Creators: Imaya, Claire, Anna, Madison, Queenie, and Marina
Middle School Students from Mouse Design League (DIIT) at IS 75 Frank D. Paulo

About this Project:

Our project is called Moodify. We have created this app to help people with mental health problems. Some ways our project addresses the topics of mental health is how we promote meditation/yoga and therapy. We used light & pastel colors to make our users feel calm and refreshed. Our music & library tab was created to relax our users when they are self-conscious or just need to find some inner peace. We included a quotes & goals section in our app to help motivate our users by adding a daily inspiring quote, and encourage them to jot down their goals. Lastly, our enjoyment section of our tab is to entertain our users when they are in need of someone to talk to, play a relaxing puzzle, or calm themselves using art! If we had all the time in the world to keep working on our project, we would add more therapists and more group chats in our app. Second we would add more interactive activities for the users.

We started with interviewing numerous people and then organized our ideas under themes to decide which ideas are relevant and which are not. After all of us made a storyboard, we addressed our main problem, mental health and ways we could help people become stress-free. We worked on our wireframe to show everything without color, and later received feedback from other peers to revise our app “Moodify” to the best version it can be. Our wireframe showed the first version of our app, showing main points, buttons and directions of our app. Then after that process we added decorations and colors. We used this base presentation to show others how our elements relate to other functions. After we receive our feedback, we retest and learn new ways we can make others help our app. After we finished adding color and decoration, we presented to judges and received great complimentary comments!

When we set this up, we added a goals section for our users. Our group also added our own quotes tab, as well as an enjoyment section which consists of puzzles, art and social experiences which allows you to share experiences with others. It was Imaya’s idea to add personalized music to calm adults and teens. It was Anna’s idea to add motivational quotes. She decided to add the quotes section for a good way to start the day because when people start a day with a good motive, the user will have an overall better day after reading something that could motivate them.

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Community Feedback:

Great Design
Makes Me Think

Feedback from the Judges:

👏 CEO at Mouse — Emoti-Con Judge
Marina, Anna, Imaya, Claire, Queenie & Madison -- your work is so thoughtful!! All across the country, people are thinking about ways to help folks cope with the stress and challenges of being a young adult -- and you have captured the best of these ideas with Moodify. (And let's give a shout-out to the name! It's inviting, calming, and not threatening!) I can see students actually using this app. With so many features, there are calming and helpful activities for almost every emotional challenge. Incredible!

👏 Associate Professor, Art & Design at Kutztown University — Emoti-Con Judge
Hello Imaya, Claire, Anna, Madison, Queenie, and Marina- I LOVE the name, it is clever and catchy! Great work with your research, interviews and creating the wireframes. It is obvious you were aware of who your target audience is and the work you produced speaks directly to them. It made me feel as though I was going to a wellness spa in a way, because using the app I would have many options to fit my specific needs for the day to help me feel better. Great job overall!

👏 Consultant / Engagement Manager at IBM — Emoti-Con Judge
Imaya, Claire, Anna, Madison, Queenie, and Marina - I loved learning more about Moodify. You did such a great job incorporating all the key elements of the design process and were so thoughtful in your approach and considerations. Moodify is beautifully designed both from an experience and a visual perspective. For future iterations, I would consider how you can differentiate Moodify more clearly from some of the other mental health apps on the market (e.g., Calm, Headspace, etc.). Your project was very impressive and I can't wait to see how you all bring it to life in the future! Congrats on your amazing work.

👏 Product Manager at RIA in a Box — Emoti-Con Judge
Hi team -- What an important issue and a great concept! Mental Illness is a critical issue in our country and solutions like Moodify are much needed. It's clear you did the initial legwork to collect data and do your research. Once the problem was scoped and solutions considered, you leveraged your wonderful product skills to develop an incredible application! Your meticulous design choices and developed programs will ensure a positive experience for your users. I wish I had something like this when I was younger! Kudos to the team!!

Feedback from the Community:

Theresa 👏 a Teacher and/or Educator from New York
I love this idea! I would absolutely use this app .
Sherin 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
So proud
Radini 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
Very creative & innovative! Love it!
👏 a Middle School Student from new york
i love this
Lisa 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian from Staten Island
Great design!
💕 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
Excellent work girls! I can see the passion and thought you guys put into this. Great job, I would definitely get this app to help me with my stress and mental health problems.
Carla 👏 a Parent and/or Guardian
I'm really happy with your determination to finish this project. I know it wasn't easy, but I knew you could do it. Your helpful attitude makes it clear that you can continue to take on new challenges and grow with the company. Thank you for your extra effort.
Mrs. Z 👏 a Middle School Student from NYC
Love this idea! Excellent work!
👏 a Middle School Student
👏 a Community Member
This project was really nice!

Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.