
About this Project:
Mintful-Health is an app about informing people about mental health. We came up with the idea of a mental health app (Mintful-Health) by interviewing the 6th grade guidance counselor also known as Mr. Olivares. The name mint-ful health came in mind when we thinking of the word mint.
Mint is an herb that is known for refreshing your mouth so mint-ful health is refreshing your mind and trying to make you calm and more aware of yourself. The project was arranged with specific slides for each of us. Slides that we knew most information about so it could be more simpler.
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Feedback from the Judges:
From a storytelling perspective, I would've liked to see a little more about why these issues matter to YOU, specifically. Maybe you could incorporate some personal stories, or more about what you learned from Mr. Olivares. On the flip side, nice touch with the pixel art characters! That was a nice way to spice up the design and add personality to your slides. Great work on this project--keep it up!
My favorite feature was definitely the mood meter which makes it super easy to gauge how someone is feeling on a day and over time! A potential area to look at next is to add some notes or comments to moods so people could see how different habits they have affect their mood. Great idea :)
Thank you for a record-breaking 14th anniversary event! Comments are officially closed until next year.